Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 is Here...Our Hope Endures

So as I sit here and reflect on 2012, on the 1st day of 2013, there is so much to be thankful for. I find it so strange that often times the bad times out shine the good times. I guess it's because it's the bad times that shake our world the most, but I don't want one season of my year to set the entire tone, you know?
2012 was a rough year for sure. There was my health scare and ER trip back in March that has resulted in me still having to take migraine medication everyday. I still have terrible headaches, so who knows if their diagnosis was right or not. I praise God for this reason though: I have not been back to the ER since March and for that I am SUPER thankful!!
Of course the biggest trial would be my mom's brain tumor diagnosis. God showed us His faithfulness through it though and while my mom is still not feeling 100%, we are so grateful that she is on the road to recovery. God has revealed so much to her during this time, and I can honestly say that she's grateful for this trial and the closeness she's felt with her Comforter. My mom has truly been a testimony of someone who praises Him in the midst of a trial. It's AMAZING!! =0)
The year ended with Aaron becoming unemployed..not exactly how you want to end or begin a new year, but we are hopeful the job opportunities will be rolling in shortly! =0) I'm so proud of my hubby. During his time off he has taught himself editing programs he's wanted to learn forever! He's SUPER smart, and this knowledge he's gained will be something he can use to branch out into work he would actually enjoy doing!
I never do the whole new year's resolution thing, because we all know they're typically made to be broken, but here's what I hope for 2013.
I have many precious friends that are expecting little boys or girls this year and I pray that both mommies and babies remain healthy throughout pregnancy and delivery. I pray for miracles, the miracles that a lot of people have stopped believing in. I pray that those with cancer will be healed, those who's hearts are broken will be made whole, the weak will be strong, the depressed will receive joy, those who are restless will receive peace, and those who's days are filled with tears will be replaced with laughter. God can do these things. Our Hope is in Him and only Him. This year we must continue to seek and pray and ask and most IMPORTANTLY BELIEVE and have FAITH!!!
This week as I was listening to some music in my car the song "Our Hope Endures" came on by Natalie Grant. I love this song, because no matter what's going around us, no matter how crazy this world gets, no matter how long the storm of our life is..Our Hope Endures. The song says, "We never walk alone and this is our hope." I love that! =0) The storm may be long. The rains may seem like they're never going to end, but just like He was in 2012, our God will be right there through everything we may face in 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Praying God gives Aaron the Perfect Job!
