Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Miracle and Stuff

So many of you know that I spoke of a "Christmas miracle" on Facebook. While I won't get into details I will share the most important parts. :)
Aaron is still unemployed, but Friday I got a call, and he got a call. This call made my/our week. I just sat and wept. It's so overwhelming when God shows how faithful He is. After a week full of sad tears, questioning how people could act or be a certain way...God showed me there is still good. We are blessed and now I will enjoy my week off with my family with a burden lifted. Aaron and I have confidence that he'll be employed again as of the first of the year. After all, we know Who our provider is and He's always on time. :)
I wrote this mostly to encourage you. Don't ever stop seeking, praying, and asking God for the things you need, the things you desire. After all, I had 2 brain surgeries before God healed me. There was a 3rd one scheduled and everything. It's all in His timing. We, of course, will never understand why He waits sometimes, while other times He answers right away. We just have to have faith that our Savior knows exactly what He is doing. He has us in His hands. He's always right there and He never leaves us in our desperate hour.
Praying for you all my dear friends, mostly that you never stop believing that our God is a God of miracles, sometimes even "Christmas miracles." ;0)

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