Sunday, December 9, 2012


So if you know me, you already know that my favorite Christmas album is Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers, "Once Upon a Christmas." The other day as I was listening to it in the car, the song "I Believe in Santa Clause" came on and one of the lines stuck out to me.
"I believe that there is Hope when all seems lost."
I love this, and I believe that as Christians, this is how we should all live. Why, you ask? Um, mostly because it's true!! =0) It's so important that we realize that no matter what a doctor tells us, no matter what another person tells us, no matter what this world tells us, no matter how hopeless or helpless things are, there IS still HOPE!! God is our hope. He alone can turn the most desperate situation, the most devastating circumstances into something beautiful. 
Another song comes to mind as I typed that last line:
"Beauty for ashes, a garment of praise for my heaviness.
Beauty for ashes, take this heart of stone and make it Yours."
So often we let terrible news, horrible circumstances turn our hearts to stone. Instead we should turn to our Savior, our hope. We should always remember that He alone is bigger than the circumstances we're facing. He'll never leave us alone. We lack the faith, even though we know that He's never once forsaken us. It's amazing because when we do lean on him and truly trust Him in our lives, He begins to turn our "ashes into beauty" our sadness into joy, and our pain into peace. 
I leave you with the silly song that inspired this whole blog! =0)

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