Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Choosing to See Beyond the Frustration

So the past couple days at work have been hard to say the very least. I think from this point forward, it will just be a place that pays the bills. I'm okay with that. Work is work. Business is business. Are my feelings still hurt? Absolutely! Is there any point in letting it get to me anymore? Nope, because they're not losing sleep over the fact that they gave my family an unemployed dad/husband for Christmas. I will say this. There are a handful of people who care. That means a lot to me and I truly appreciate those people. For now, with all the craziness going around in our country, in our community, I wanted to take time to reflect on what I'm grateful for this Christmas season.
I am so blessed to be on vacation the entire week of Christmas. Instead of just me and the boys the whole week, this year Aaron will be with us. It'll be nice to have a whole week together. That never happens.
I know Christmas isn't about presents, but I am happy that we did not procrastinate in shopping this year. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to experience the joy of having the boys tear into so many of the things they love on Christmas morning. =0)
I am so very grateful for our friends and family who have been praying for us, not only through unemployment but every chapter of our lives. Yes, we're in a spot we'd rather not be, but we have so many people offering words of encouragement and covering us in prayer. I think that alone is how I maintain my sanity. ;0)
Our kids are healthy and we are healthy. That's more than so many people can say and I never want to take that for granted.
I could literally go on and on. This is really quite therapeutic. Focusing on the positive always outshines the negative.
Lastly I'm so grateful for my relationship with Jesus. I'm so glad that in the most desperate hour, I'll hear a song, or I'll remember a verse and be overwhelmed with His presence and peace. Since Friday, Kari Jobe's "Where I Find You" has really been amazing to listen to.
The song "Steady My Heart" has some really awesome lyrics. I'd actually like to paste the whole thing, but I think this fits me the most right now.
"I'm not gonna worry,
I know that You got me right inside the palm of Your hand.
Each and every moment,
What's good and what gets broken happens just the way that You planned.
But You're here. You're Real. I know I can trust You.
Even when it hurts. Even when it's hard
Even when it all just falls apart.
I will run to You, cause I know that You are
Lover of my soul, Healer of my scars.
You steady my heart."

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