Sunday, January 6, 2013

How Great is Our God

Last night I was praying for a miracle. I guess that's not completely true. I have been praying for a miracle for quite some time. Yesterday, the prayer became even more desperate.
As I sat in my chair weeping and praying wondering why this miracle hadn't happened yet, my sweet Dexter was softly singing "How Great is Our God."  You see it's not that I ever question God's sovereignty or timing, I just so badly, no desperately want this miracle to happen. As Dex was singing this song, of course I started crying even more, but it brought me back to what God seemed to show me over and over again in 2012. No matter what the situation, no matter the circumstances, no matter how desperate or hopeless...our God is still great. He is still worthy of our praise. Because of who He is, I still have hope no matter how things look or seem. There is never a situation too hopeless as long as my God is walking beside me. We are never wondering without hope, because He is walking right beside us.

"Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, All who hope in the Lord."
Psalms 31:24

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