Saturday, January 12, 2013


Many of you who know me well, know that I LOVE to read!! Karen Kingsbury is my FAVORITE author, mostly because I'm a freak and love to cry and EVERY book she writes has me bawling all the way through it. What can I say, I love to invest time in things that move me, and her writing is absolutely amazing! Trust me if you're looking for good reading material pick up anything by her and you won't be disappointed..I haven't read a bad one yet. ;0)
So tonight as I was reading my book there was something that really stuck out to me and it seemed too wonderful not to share,so here I am. They mentioned P.U.S.H in the book. It means Pray Until Something Happens. WOW, I love this!!!! How many of us pray and pray and then give up because we don't get an answer, so we assume that God isn't listening or just isn't concerned with our problem or issue? I wish I could beat you all over the head if that's what it would take to convince you that is COMPLETELY UNTRUE!! He cares SO much!!! He LOVES more than you could ever fathom!! If there's a miracle, big or small make it known to God..and CONTINUE to make it known to HIM until there's breakthrough.
With Aaron being unemployed right now, this was really cool for me to read. It's so hard to describe, because I do fully trust God to take care of us, but I still have those moments of anxiety. I also still have those battles at work where I'm grateful that they are providing me employment, but I'm also crushed that they're the reason Aaron's unemployed. Don't get me wrong, the 'miracle' I referred to at the end of the year was wonderful, but him not finding work as quickly as we'd hoped still makes what they did sting. That's why I'm so grateful for my friends, my family that are praying for us...praying until something happens!! :)
Another thing that helped so much this week was being part of an amazing project this week called Catfish Sandwich with Barry and Michelle Patterson. They have meant so much to me, their music and just recently having the opportunity to get to know them has been amazing. Their music has been an inspiration to me and one of their songs was the first one I learned to play and sing on the guitar. Tuesday, my cousin Sommer and I and about 6 other super cool people got to go to the recording studio at Christ for the Nations and record a song with them called "Recession Song." Can I just say it will go down as one of the best days ever?!?!? While the day was so full of fun, I was fighting back tears a lot. The chorus, the part of the song we all sang on says "We're alright! We're alright! The sun comes up tomorrow....We're alright! We're alright! This can't last forever. Can it babe?"  While we were singing I just kept believing that. I'm alright. We're going to be alright, because who's on our side...only the Creator and Maker of the whole Earth. The sun is going to rise, and God's going to get us through this time and we're going to be better and closer to Him because of it. This one got long really fast, so I'll leave you with 2 of my favorite pics from Tuesday!!

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