Friday, December 30, 2011

Ringing in the New Year with Change

I'm not going to lie. I normally do not set New Year's Resolutions. It's not that I think there's anything wrong with it. Typically they are just goals set that never get reached. That being said, there are some things I set out to do earlier this year that did ACTUALLY happen. Guitar was a huge goal of mine in 2011, and I am proud to say, (while I didn't start until this month,) I learned 3 Christmas songs. I proved to myself that I can do this, and I plan on improving and learning even more songs in 2012!!! Ultimate goal is to write accompaniment music to some of the poetry/songs I've written, but I'm far from being that good. ;-) This year I've also been so much better about getting in God's word, and I can say with 100% honesty that my prayer life has truly reached another level. So many people that I love have had a terrible 2011, and it made me realize how truly important and effective it is to call upon the name of the Lord.
So what do I want 2012 to look like...realistically? I want my relationship with God to continue to thrive. I want to be open to whatever He wants to use me for and I want to trust Him and not be afraid to step out and just do it! I'd also like to be even better about digging into the Word, not just reading it, but truly letting it soak in.
So what are these changes I'm talking about? Well, as you all know this Sunday will be the first Sunday at our new church. The reality of this hasn't completely soaked in. It's still hard thinking about not driving to TBT, but I am truly excited about the work God has for my family. I will be singing this Sunday, so we'll see how it goes! ;-) Aaron starts a new job next Tuesday!! What a HUGE blessing!! For those of you who know, he has been looking FOREVER!! This is an amazing opportunity and truly a step up from where he is now. Praise God for opening that door for us!! So there aren't a whole lot of changes coming for me, but I'm definitely thinking of finally going back to school, but we'll see! I'm kind of on 'change overload' right now!! =0)
Well I love you friends and appreciate all of you that actually read my weekly ramblings. I do pray that 2012 is an amazing year for all of us. I wanted to leave you with a cute little song I found about New Year's Eve.

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