Saturday, December 17, 2011

Potty Training 101

So I'm going to start by saying this is definitely not a how to or anything like that. In Dex's case, I can honestly say I did nothing but wait! SO here's how our potty adventures began.
I was in the restroom and Dex came in and said "I go potty. My turn, my turn." I put him on the potty and he immediately went. We went to church, and when we got home I took him again. He was completely dry and went again. The past few mornings he has been dry, so today my plan is to put him underwear and see how it goes. I am very nervous about this process and here's why.
Dex has had 2 poo incidents. I always hoped my child wouldn't be a 'digger.' Well I came home from the store this week and he came up and showed me his finger saying "Ewww, mommy, Eww!!." Aaron went to change him and sure enough his breath had a nasty smell to it. I think Aaron was more disgusted than I was. ;0)
Then he decided his daycare teachers needed to experience his 'digging' also! This time the 'evidence' was all over his shirt and his chin.
Needless to say, we have had many conversations about why this is NOT acceptable. SO I'm sure you can understand why the thought of undies scare me. I'm hoping he just gets it like he seems to. Then I won't have to worry about the mess that's coming.
Well that is our experience so far. He was just ready on his own. I'm so very glad I let him do it in his time. It's been a lot less stressful for sure!!! Hopefully next time I write about potty training, it will be to say he's completely got it!! Until then....

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