Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas with the Blains

So today started out as usual! Up at 5:15 and then off to Denny's at 5:30 in our jammies. We had a delicious meal which in turn made my tummy hurt...TOTALLY worth it though! ;0) The boys opened presents and they both seemed super pleased with the gifts they received. Gifts aside, we had some great family time this morning.

I began getting ready for church and then of course the tears started coming. Luckily I managed to hold myself together through the song Sheila and me sang. Having a good cry while drying my hair this morning must have helped. ;0) I was lucky and got to work with both the nursery and toddler kiddos this morning one last time. I'm definitely going to miss their sweet little faces. Oh well, it just means more play dates in Dex's future. =0)
Definitely shed lots of tears saying goodbye, but I'm not going to let the sadness of the end of this wonderful chapter discourage me. Plus, I know it's not goodbye forever. I truly believe the friendships I've made will continue!!
After church we had a yummy lunch of Shepherd's Pie..not going to lie..I totally rocked this recipe!! Dex actually passed out in his Elmo chair right after lunch. I followed after him and it felt awesome to sleep for a couple of hours!

We then watched Elf. That movie just never gets old!!! Yes I cried at the end when they were all singing "Santa Clause is Coming to Town." What can I say, I'm an emotional girl?
Next Sunday will be different, and it's a little scary. However it's also very exciting. There's just something about knowing that you're walking down the path God prepared for you!
So 2012 is near, and church isn't the only thing changing for the Blain's! It has to do with Aaron's job. ;0) It's also a great thing! However, I will save that for another blog!!
So, Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends! I pray you all had a blessed day and truly experienced the joy that only God can give!!

Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

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