Monday, December 12, 2011

Change for the Blains

So many of you have been curious about my cryptic messages regarding upcoming change. The news has been shared with those that we serve with, so now I will let you all in on what is coming January 1st. I'll begin with how it started.
Aaron went to a men's fellowship to watch a Cowboy game back in October, I believe. He ended up not getting home until well after midnight due to some deep conversations with the pastor of the church hosting the event. At that point and maybe a little before, Aaron started feeling like God might be calling him away from our current church. He was told of some awesome opportunities to serve in the areas he feels God has been calling him to for quite some time. I'm not going to lie, there was definitely a part of me that wanted this door slammed shut. However after much prayer, we are both at peace with our decision to leave our family at TBT,(Trinity Baptist Temple.) When I say family, I'm not referring to blood relatives. I am talking about our church family that we've loved from the moment we started going there.
Here's the reason why this is so terribly hard, and why every time I think about the reality of us leaving I can't stop the tears. First of all, it's the only church Dex has ever known. Thinking about removing him from his cute little friends that he's grown up with and all the many workers that have loved on him hurts my heart.
Another thing that has meant so much is how the workers have continued to love Brett even though he has misbehaved so many times in their care. They have a heart for kiddos, and have really taught Brett a lot.They have loved him for who he is and have always cared about his well being. He was saved and baptized at TBT and has made some of his dearest friends there too.
While I could go on and on about all the many things that have made me and my family love TBT,  the most important thing has been their prayers for us. Even more than that is their prayers and concern for my friends going through extremely devastating situations. The compassion, love and concern they show for people they don't even know is a true example of Christ's love.
Our last day at this wonderful church will be December 25th, and I couldn't imagine spending Christmas Day with a more wonderful group people. There will be lots of tears from me. This past Sunday was so hard, and I know this Sunday will be even harder. Christmas Day I'm sure I'll be a mess. It's okay though, because I know that this is not good bye forever. I still plan on getting myself (or at least my kids,) invited to birthday parties and baby showers. :0)
I do have peace that we are going where God wants us to be. How foolish would we be not to walk through a door He is holding wide open for us? So while change hurts so very much, and honestly I don't like change AT ALL, I know that God is in this and He's going to bless us.
So to my TBT family, I love you all more than you'll ever know. I'm going to miss seeing your warm happy faces Sunday morning,Sunday night and Wednesdays. I would have liked to have told each and every one of you in person, but I'm a crier, so it's hard to talk too much about it without causing the downpour of tears. All of you have a special place in my heart, and I look forward to and will cherish these next couple of weeks with you!
On a side note, please pray for me these next couple of Sundays. I am singing during our Christmas special this Sunday morning, and will also be singing a duet with my dear friend on Christmas Day! Please pray that I can hold my composure!  I am definitely not a graceful 'singing crier.' ;0)

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