Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Heavy Heart

Today has been emotionally draining. It's so hard when your friends are struggling/hurting. My heart hurts for so many reasons today. I think the hardest part of knowing your friend is hurt is that there truly is nothing I can do to fix it...that is at least in MY power. It's so easy to lose faith when things seem so far gone...so beyond repair.
Luckily, I know where MY hope comes from. It is from my Savior who has already defeated the ugliness of this world.
I think where I struggle the most is letting the weight of the burden my friend is carrying consume me too. I don't even know how to explain it, but my thoughts are consumed with worry and what I can do. Did I do enough? Have I truly been there? Could I have stopped this had I tried harder to reach out? This is NOT what I should be doing. It's so easy to get caught up in the would've, should've, could've and what if's. I should lay my friends burden at the feet of Jesus and let Him take care of it. My job as a friend,( and more importantly a Godly friend,) is to truly battle for my friend on my knees. That is where the change happens. What kind of friends are we if we're not ceaselessly praying for those that we love? I mean praying for them even when nothing is wrong...at least that we know of. We all know this life is tough. There are constant battles and hardships. Storms come when you least suspect...which is why it is imperative that we're constantly praying. Through prayer, we receive the peace and strength we need to make it through whatever this life throws at us.
I just truly want to be who God created me to be. I want to be a light to this lost and dying world. As a friend, I want to be the encourager, the one that people come to for prayer. I just want God's light and love to shine through me so bright that they see Him when they look at me.
One of my dearest friends posted this song today, and it kind of fits this, so you get a bonus song today! ;0)
I think my favorite part of this song is: "His mercy, it is unfailing. His arms are a fortress for the weak....I lift my hands to believe again. You are my Refuge. You are my strength. As I pour out my heart, these things I remember, You are faithful, God, FOREVER."

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