Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tis the Season....or Not?!?!?!

So over the past couple of weeks, I've really been getting excited about the holiday season. I love this time of year...the caroling, the decor, and just the over all merriness! =0)I've been learning some Christmas carols on my guitar and hope to learn them well enough to share a video with all my friends very soon. I love Black Friday and the craziness of staying up all night shopping. There is just truly something joyous about this season.
That being said, I've been struggling with wanting to stifle my 'merry' because I know for some, this time of year is painful. There's the reminder of loss, loss of income, loss of a loved one...there's so much that can cause a great deal of pain in the midst of this holly jolly time of year.
Here's the conclusion I've arrived at. I can not let the circumstances around me steal my joy. Yes, there are so many reasons to be sad, but there are also so many reasons to be happy. Laughter is contagious and smiles are too. It's the job of the ones that aren't struggling quite so much to give those away constantly. I understand that smiles and laughter aren't quick fixes to pain, but even if it brings a moment of peace or happiness, it's totally worth it. The MOST important thing of course is to pray for those we know are struggling, be there for them. Offer a shoulder, a hand, a laugh, a smile, maybe even an ear.
Christmas is the season of giving, and if we aren't giving away anything and only focusing on what we're getting, we're missing the whole point. God sent us the most amazing gift on Christmas Jesus in a manger. He sent our Savior. Why would we not want to share this gift with others, the ones we love, the ones we know are struggling to just make it through this time of year?
It's so important that we fulfill our purpose for existing. We are to be a light, a blessing to a lost and dying world. Be the hope to those who feel hopeless. With that I leave you with this amazing song!!! =0) Yes it's a song and it's not Tuesday tunes, but all I can say is I can't help it!! I LOVE MUSIC!!

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