Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Tunes..."His Strength is Perfect"

I'm hoping to remember to do this every Tuesday, but I'm not making any promises. "His Strength is Perfect" by Steven Curtis Chapman is a super old song but holds a very special place in my heart. Here's my favorite part of the song: : "His strength in us begins, when ours comes to an end. He hears our humble cry and proves again His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. He'll carry us when we can't carry on. Raised in His power the weak become strong. His strength is perfect."
I'm going to try to make a super long story short as to why this song means the world to me and even now, after 10+ years, it can still bring tears to my eyes. When I was a sophomore in high school. I started having terrible headaches. That's actually a HUGE understatement. They were so bad I would throw up, have seizures, and half of my body would go numb. After many doctors visits, CT scans, and MRI's we found out I had fluid on my brain. I ended up having 1 surgery to drill a hole through my skull to let the fluid shoot out. A week later I was back in the hospital having surgery #2 to have a shunt put in. During my hospital stays I would watch a Steven Curtis Chapman video and listen to this song over and over. Whenever it came on everyone in my hospital room had to be quiet or I'd get pretty ticked. I drew so much strength from this song. I was weak, frustrated, had a ton of pain and half my head shaved. I couldn't be strong on my own and God carried me through that very dark time when I was drifting in to depression. Sometimes being surrounded by family and friends who love you isn't enough. God is though! 
Well that's the main reason the song is special to me, but I will give you the most awesome part of the whole 'fluid in brain' experience. I actually had a 3rd surgery scheduled because the shunt wasn't cutting it. Personally I didn't have it in me to endure another painful surgery, so I told my dad I wasn't going to do it and I'd rather die than have another one. That night my friends and family gathered to pray for me. The rest is history. The 3rd surgery was cancelled and now I am a walking miracle. 
I will close with this quote and a video of the song. "Sometimes when we get overwhelmed, we forget how big God is." AW Tozer Let's not forget that God is bigger than any problem we're facing and that His strength truly is made perfect in our weakest hour.

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