Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Just In...Hot Off the Press

Okay..it might not be right off the press, but it's new as in just a few short hours ago. I finally went to the chiropractor again today. I've needed to go for quite some time. I've had neck, back and shoulder issues for a while, but lately my neck has really been bothering me, so I finally listened to my nagging husband and made the appointment. ;0)
While I did not get the sweet relief of an adjustment today, I did get relief in another way. During my assessment, the doctor said my neck was incredibly messed up, and when I went into detail of all that had happened over the past month, he said he would feel more comfortable seeing x-rays before adjusting me. That way, he would not actually cause a migraine or episode or adjust and then see there's something more serious going on.
Okay...I'm kind of babbling. The good news is, he thinks that the condition of my neck could be a trigger for my migraines!!!!!!!! :0) Fix the neck=stop the medication!!!! This at least is what I'm hoping and praying for. So we'll see. I'm hoping to get the x-rays squeezed in during my lunch break tomorrow and then hopefully get adjustment #1 on Thursday!
On top of this, a friend of mine told me that juicing has stopped her migraines all together, so I will probably be trying that in the near future also. I figure it couldn't hurt!! The healthier I am, the better.
As of right now, eating isn't enjoyable, and I'm not really eating all that much any way since my medication leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. It's hard to explain, it doesn't make food taste different, but the constant taste in my mouth makes the idea of eating less appealing. Needless to say, my goal is to not be on these pills if I can help it, and of course to talk to my neurologist when I see him next week!! =0) No worries folks...I am still eating, so I am not wasting away.
Well I'll keep you posted..hopefully I'll know more Thursday evening!!

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