Saturday, March 3, 2012

ER/Hospital Stay and What Comes Next

First of all, thank you so much for everyone who's texted, called, facebooked, and prayed for me recently. I was literally sitting in hospital bed crying because I was so overwhelmed with the concern and love I felt.
So I'll try to explain what warranted the 911 call Thursday night. I had been asleep in bed for a couple of hours and I woke up feeling incredibly off. I was trembling, lightheaded,  my heart was racing, and I felt like my head was filling up. I can't even fully describe it, but I was afraid to fall back asleep. Aaron was going to drive me to the ER, but since neither of us have ever had to we had no idea where to go. We called 911, and the firemen and eventually the ambulance people came. They took me to the hospital, but there was no siren or anything. I honestly felt like an idiot while trying to describe how I was feeling, because it was just off.
By the time I got to the hospital, my symptoms had calmed down. I gave them the CD of the images from my CT scan and then we literally sat for hours after they took blood and stuff.  I was beginning to think I was crazy and that it was just some sort of panic attack. That was when the nurse came in and said that I would be admitted to the NeuroICU and that there was an issue with my shunt. If you want to see me have a emotional meltdown, tell me my  shunt is broke.
Basically what they told me is that there was a cyst of fluid on my brain and that the tubing was broken which was possibly causing the backup of fluid. They would just cut my neck and fix the tubing and then all should be good. I was okay with the minor surgery and so grateful it wasn't worse. The neurosurgeon came in the next day and said he felt I didn't need surgery. He said that he thinks that shunt has been broken for a while, and he also felt that it had served it's purpose. He even said the cyst wasn't causing any issues or pressing on anything, and that it was normal. That's when all the other tests started. They scanned my stomach, my chest, did an MRI on my brain, scanned my neck, took lots of blood, and even squeezed in a pregnancy test. Nothing jumped out at them, and all the tests came back negative. The only thing I found out for sure from being in the hospital is that my potassium level was low. Everything else was a theory. I was given a prescription for Hydrocodone, and a couple of vitamins and told to keep my appointment I already have scheduled with the neurologist Monday.
Needless to say I am frustrated and a little scared. Something had to cause the numbness, the speech issues, and then all the additional symptoms I experienced on Thursday night. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anything to be wrong. I just want a reason. The reason will help me prevent ever feeling that way again. Right now, I don't have that peace of mind, because I was told nothing.
If you could do me one favor it would be to continue to pray. Pray that if I don't get an answer Monday, that God will give me peace that I will never have an episode again. I want so badly to feel normal, to not have a headache, not feel weak and off. Thank you everyone again for your prayers and concern. It means more to me than you'll ever know!

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