Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

So this weekend was crazy busy. Those of you who know me, know that I prefer a weekend filled with very little so my weekend doesn't fly by and I am left feeling exhausted. In spite of the hustle and bustle of this weekend, I am actually feeling quite refreshed and ready to face another week.
Friday was a lot of fun! We watched our friends renew their wedding vows on their 10 year wedding anniversary. It was very sweet! That was followed up by some yummy dinner at Mi Cocina, frozen yogurt and then we finished the evening with Touch and laundry at home. :)
Saturday I woke up and did a 5K for the 2nd annual Coleson's F.R.O.G! It's a great event that helps those that are dealing with pediatric cancer. I walked it this year, but my goal next year is to train and actually run/jog the whole thing. We shall see though. It was a beautiful day to be part of a great cause. It was honestly nice to workout for a change. I'm hoping I can get myself feeling better, so I can start making working out a part of my  daily/weekly routine.
Saturday evening was definitely the biggest thing I've ever been a part of. I considered it a great privilege and honor to lead worship at the Donnie Swaggert Crusade. My nerves started kicking in big time as the hours ticked by leading up to practice. The crazy thing about it is unlike most people, it wasn't because I was so in awe of Mr. Swaggert. He is just a person, just a man.  He's no better than you or me. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing pastor, but I think so often we put so much emphasis on man, when really it should all be about God. We think if we bring in a world renowned pastor in that God's going to move in a mighty way, but it doesn't take that. It takes us truly seeking His face. Sorry, trailed off a bit there, my nerves were the pressure of  leading hundreds of people in worship...something I had never done before and didn't really think I was capable of doing. I'm no Kari Jobe..honestly I will never be. Of course everything leading up to practice was a disaster, but once we actually got to the point of running through our music it just flowed. The band, the harmony, everything during the service was phenomenal. The best part about it is God gets all the glory. It was all about Him. He moved. His presence was there, and it had nothing to do with me at all. (As it should be.) The theme of the music even fit in with what Pastor Swaggert talked about. I love how God works. This morning we got to just sit and enjoy the crusade. Worship was amazing this morning. I just couldn't stop the tears from flowing..basking in God's love from me.
So as you can see, even though this weekend was full, God worked it out. I don't feel quite as frustrated as I have the past couple of weeks with just about everything. Thank you God for this weekend of refreshing.

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