Saturday, April 7, 2012


So tomorrow is Easter and each year I find myself more and more emotional. I truly am moved to tears when I think about the price Christ paid for me.  . Instead of dwelling on what I truly deserve and how different my life would be had He not paid with His precious blood, I choose to be so overwhelmed with joy and Thanksgiving. He truly loves me and He's alive!The grave could not hold Him!! I am looking forward to our Easter service at Crosspoint Church tomorrow! I'm excited about the worship songs, (not at all because I'm leading them) and I'm excited about the message our pastor will be bringing, but even more, I am excited about the visitors that will be coming in!! I'm praying that God will move in a mighty way and lives will be touched and changed.
On that note, here are 2 songs I absolutely love that bless my heart , one by Natalie Grant and one by Mandisa!
Happy Easter Everyone! Lets remember that it's not at all about new dresses, shoes, pretty bows, and Easter baskets! It's about a risen Savior who died to give us the greatest gift of all, His Salvation!

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