Thursday, September 29, 2011

Turning Thirty's Terrific =0)

So, as many of you know, I am turning 30 on October 11th. While most ladies are not excited about this at all, I'm actually pretty stoked. Call me crazy!! It might be true!! :0)
Here are the reasons I'm okay with leaving my 20s behind...while I will admit this is weird. Although I've been an adult for a while now, it seems like when you're 30, you're officially a grown up. I know that probably makes no sense, but I guess that's where the crazy comes in. ;-)
Okay, now to the reasons why I'm okay with it! First of all I have a hubby who thinks (or pretends to think) that I'm the hottest girl in the world. ;) Judging from past relationships I've been in this is HUGE!! I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm not. He loves me for me. The fact that he can do that while knowing EVERYTHING about me is pretty amazing. The fact that he bought me an hour massage for an early birthday present is pretty awesome too. He blessed me with 2 boys, one I didn't get the honor of meeting until he was a 3 year old in my daycare class, and the other of course I got to experience the beauty and craziness of pregnancy and child birth! Love my boys even on the days when one or all of them are driving me INSANE!! I am a mother, which is something I've always wanted to be!!!
Let's see what else...well I have a house, a great job, the car I've always wanted, (Honda CRV.) Yes folks a CRV is the car of my dreams! I'm really easy to please. The fact that I am part of the praise team and choir at church and get to use the gift of singing which God gave me is something else that makes turning 30 not too bad. I have all my needs met and many of the things I want.
The support system I have is amazing! My parents are truly the best..always such an encouragement. My friends, wow, it's so incredible to have people that love me unconditionally because they choose to. It's a comfort to know that they are lifting me up in prayer when I need it and even if I feel I don't. :)
When I look back to where I was 10 years ago, I am so grateful for where I am.  "If you could see where Jesus brought me from, to where oh I am today, then you would know the reason why I love my Jesus so." When I sing the words to this song it's so hard not to cry. I was a mess. So why would I be sad about a number? Will I look any different the day I turn 30? Nope. Will I feel different? Probably not. The truth is, even if I do, I am ready to walk into my 30s excited about what God has in store for me. Don't get me wrong, my life is far from perfect and there are many things I would change. I just think back to where I used to be, how I used to view myself, and I am so proud of the women God has molded me from the ashes of my past mistakes and triumphs. So to 30, I say bring it on. I'm not scared. ;) I am more confident and know that with God on my side there's nothing I'll ever face alone.

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