Friday, October 28, 2011

October Shenanigans

So, things have been SUPER crazy since my last post..not crazy, bad, but crazy busy! How did I not notice before how busy the month of October is?
First things first. As you all know, I am the crazy lady who was stoked about turning 30. Well as crazy as it may sound, I do not look any different AND I feel exactly the same as I did when I was 29. SHOCKING, huh?!?!?!?! ;-) My sweet friend Sarah threw me the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY ever!!! I was reminded of how truly amazing my friends are. We went to dinner at Mi Cocina and then went back to Sarah's house for cake, presents, and a little Rock Band fun! I received some AWESOME presents too!!! =0)
I just got back from my trip to Florida on Tuesday. It was so amazing to see my friend Kate and of course her hubby Sean and sweet baby Cannon. I think the greatest thing about our friendship is how we are able to just pick up where we left off. It never seems awkward when we're able to hang out again. Our kind of friendship is definitely rare, and I am so grateful that even though we're thousands of miles apart, we still keep the closeness we've always had. I definitely needed this trip, and I'm so glad I was able to make it. I got to meet a couple of Kate's sweet friends, and was lucky enough to make it to their church this time. I'm not going to lie, as much as I wanted to come home to my family, it was very hard to leave my sweet friend. I cried which should not be surprising to any of you who know me. :0) I'm sure some people in the airport thought I was a nut case!

Well, since I've been back, and apparently while I was gone, Dex turned into a little monster. He's been throwing some pretty intense temper tantrums, and he gets really upset when I leave the room and he can't see me. I'm hoping that after this weekend, he will realize that I'm not going anywhere. Today has already been a lot better, so hopefully I'll get my 'almost' perfectly behaved toddler back. While I have to admit it's a little humorous, he actually went to the office the day before yesterday for chasing after his teacher trying to hit her. What I wouldn't give to see that on camera?!?! I mean, like I said, he's totally out of character. ;0)
What else? We're all geared up for Halloween. Dex is going to be Batman and Brett is dressing up as a ninja! The festivities start tomorrow evening. Can't wait to take and post some pics.
For now I will leave you with a peaceful moment with Dex and random pic of him and I together.

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