Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11th....Have We Let Ourselves Forget?

I've gone back and forth on what to blog about next and this seems fitting with the 10th anniversary being tomorrow. 
I can honestly say that I will never forget where I was and what I was doing 10 years ago tomorrow. I can still remember the heartbreak and fear that the terrorists evoked. More than that though, I remember how it seemed that the country as a whole prayed...not to Mohammed, or Buddha, but to the one true LIVING God, the only One that could truly save us and protect us. I can honestly say I had hoped that it would be a turning point for our country to once again become One Nation Under God. Sadly, it seems we have gone the total opposite direction. Unfortunately, we let ourselves forget. While it's so nice to see everyone posting how they will never forget 9/11, in their everyday life, it is so evident that they/we did. 
Why are the leaders,churches, EVERYONE not crying out to God DAILY? How come it seems that we are just pushing Him further and further away? The verse that's been on my heart this past week is this: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2nd Chronicles 7:14.  It's so evident that we as Americans/Christians should be on our faces pleading for God to heal our bring us back to the place where He was our first love.  I just wish everyone would realize how much better everything would be if we allowed God back in.
This entry wouldn't be complete if I didn't say anything about the wonderful heroes of September 11th and the everyday heroes. I will forever be grateful to our military, the police, firemen, EMT's that gave up their lives and those who continue to put their lives on the line for complete strangers. They do it selflessly to preserve the freedom that we so often take for granted. Thank you for your selflessness! Thank you to your families who allow you to preserve and protect this wonderful nation. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed, and there are so many of us that are lifting you up each day in prayer. May God give you the grace, peace,and strength you need to make it through each day.

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