Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brilliant Thought of a Child....

8 yr old:"Who cares if our prayers are answered or not. We still get to talk to God."
When I read this...I knew I had to write about it. What an amazing truth this child spoke, and all of us would be in a much better place if we truly lived with this mindset. We so easily forget what an amazing gift we have in prayer or as this child sees it "just talking to God."
How amazing is it that we serve a God who loves us enough to listen to us, truly wanting to know everything about us. He cares that we're hurting, He understands our uncontrollable sobs, He loves to see us happy, and He never abandons us in our time of need. We have a Heavenly Father who longs to spend time with us. He desperately wants us to confide in Him. It's quite mind boggling when I try to wrap my mind around it, especially when you take into consideration that He already knows everything about you.  He loves me in spite of my faults and failures. I read this quite a while back, but I love this quote so very much: "God loves us just as we are, but too much to leave us that way." 
I often get caught up in thinking of all the many mistakes I've made in my life. I forget what it says in Psalms 103:12: " As far as the East is from the West, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Most of the time I have such a hard time forgiving myself, I lose sight of the fact that He is faithful to forgive.
Basically I guess the whole point of this is to remind you to talk to your Daddy upstairs. =0) Let Him know your frustrations, pains, and all about the joy you have in your life. Tell Him what you need, what you want, but always remember He may not answer the way you want, or at all. You just have to have faith and know that He knows exactly what He's doing and what's best for you. Don't ever forget that HE loves you more than you could ever imagine. When life is hard and you don't understand, He's catching every tear that you cry and giving you that peace and strength to carry on. He'll never leave you, and He's always there walking right beside you. 
Remember,like this child does, how truly awesome it is to talk to God!! =0)

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