Tuesday, August 23, 2011

1st day of School and other Shenanigans...

So let's see..Monday was Brett's first day of middle school, and I was beyond nervous for him. His grades have always been wonderful but his behavior has always been an issue. Monday started all kinds of new routines. 
1. Catch the bus to and from school 
2. Lock the door
3. Don't sneak toys, video games, etc in backpack since me and Aaron weren't here to check
4. Remember lunch
I put a list on the refrigerator on Sunday night, and Monday before I left I reminded him about a million times of all the things he needed to do and what time to be out of the house. On the way to work on Monday I heard "Butterfly Kisses," (aka The Cheesiest Song in the World.) Don't get me wrong, it has sentimental meaning to me because of my dad, but obviously I do not have a daughter. Why was it that it took everything in me not to cry while this song was playing!?!? Something is WAY different about having a middle schooler compared to elementary. Middle school is where it really starts to matter who Brett picks as friends. Middle school is where he can choose to be the Light or he can choose to follow the path of the 'in' crowd. I think that's what brought the tears mostly..hoping and praying that Aaron and I have done everything in our power to help him to be strong and a leader, not a follower. I'm proud to say that Brett has handled his new responsibilities perfectly. He hasn't forgot to lock the door or missed the bus. I was positive that when I got home for lunch today, he would be in the living room watching TV. Thanks for proving me wrong, kiddo! =) So far the year is off to a great start. He said EVERYONE in his classes like him, and he LOVES riding the bus. Here's a pic of him ready for school and Dex ready for daycare. Dex is saying "cool" in this pic! =0)

Speaking of Dex, his vocabulary seems to grow everyday. He has a Grover book and it says "Oh Dear" so now he says that..SUPER CUTE by the way. He also has a bunny that sings "Jesus Loves Me," and I discovered he knows some of the words and signs. We're still not 100% devoted to the potty training, but he still goes every night, and asks to go every once and a while too! 
Well besides the kiddos, I am super stoked for Women of Faith conference this weekend. Me and some sweet friends will be staying in a hotel on Friday night, and I'm SO looking forward to girl time AND what God has in store for all of us.
Last thing, and I promise I'll stop! ;-) Tonight I got some new curtains for the living room and Aaron and my bedroom along with a new comforter set! Our old one was literally falling apart since I'm smart and I washed it in the washer. It was really faded too..7 years old, so it was time to trade it in. Please disregard the clutter,but here is a pic. I'm super stoked that I was able to change up a few things and look forward to updating/changing many more. Sssshhh..don't tell Aaron.

Alright friends! I think I've reached 'blog capacity.' Can't wait to tell you all about Women of Faith!! 

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