Saturday, August 6, 2011

Finish College..Retire in a Job I'm NOT Passionate about....

Most of you that know me well, (and I'm sure you're the only ones reading this blog,) know that I have always wanted to be a school teacher. Don't get me wrong, I have no complaints about my current job, and I LOVE many of the people I work with and have amazing bosses. Well, maybe that was a tiny lie. I do have some complaints, but they're not big ones. ;-) I even have the potential or may already be making more than I would as  a teacher. That's the thing with me though, I've never been money or career driven. My main goal has really always been just to be happy and comfortable in my job....OR BE A STAY AT HOME mom...the PTA mom, always at school functions and baking goodies for the class. =0)
Before I became pregnant with Dex, I was trucking right along, knocking out classes 9 weeks at a time. After I had him (and a couple of months before,) I lost interest in school all together. I didn't see a way to fit it in while giving quality time to my family. I also didn't want to be up until one or two in the morning finishing up assignments. It just didn't seem worth it.
Well, as Dex has gotten a little older, I've been getting the itch to go back. Then the layoffs of teachers started happening, and this my friends, is my new excuse not to go back. It's not that I don't still want it. I guess I just want to enjoy my time without stressing about school. Plus, I probably wouldn't be able to find a job once I graduated any way.
Believe me, I know it would be in my best interest to go ahead and go back. I would have the degree, and just continue working at my current job until I found a teaching position. I think at this point there's also that fear of jumping back in. I figure that since I've been out for 2 1/2 years, my smarts may have dwindled down to nothing. =0)
Deep down I know my heart is with the kiddos. Kids are my passions, not the mortgage industry I'm currently in. Brett, my oldest, has had so many terrible teachers. The ones you can tell hate kids and have no compassion and could care less whether they succeed or not. It makes me sick that there are more bad teachers than good ones. Teaching in my opinion is a calling, not a fall back plan when your original job/degree plan didn't pan out.  There are several teachers I had elementary-high school, that I still remember to this day. Sadly, at this point Brett may be lucky with one maybe two that he really thought cared about him. I know it's a challenging job, and I've always believed I have what it takes to help my kiddos succeed...even the REALLY difficult ones.
After writing this, it seems silly that I'm not signing up for school right away! I really need to start striving for that goal..doing it a little at a time at least. We shall see. I may not start right away, but it's definitely something to start thinking about...especially since my work even offers tuition reimbursement.
Here's a fun pic from today!! I leave you with Dex kisses.:-)

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