Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sick kiddo, Prayer and God...Random Blog of the Day :-)

So this week has been a draining one for sure. I was home with a sick Dex-a-rooni Tuesday-Friday, but thank God he finally seems to have turned a corner and has now been fever free for 2 days! Woo hoo!!  While it was awful seeing him so sick, I enjoyed the time so much watching Sesame Street, Back Yardigans, and Wonder Pets. We also got to learn that dinosaurs poop thanks to the Dino Train. :-) Still trying to figure out why this was information that preschoolers need to learn! ;-)It was so nice to experience the life of a stay at home mom...even if just for a week. I am also proud to say that I braved the Walmart crowd and have already finished school supply shopping for Brett! Thank you middle school for not asking for crazy stuff that is impossible to find. Unfortunately the next step to getting Brett ready to go is shots. I guess he should be grateful that he hasn't had to have a shot since he was 4...hopefully he will see this 'bright side' when I share the shot news. This Walmart trip was especially special because Dex thought a pic of Kate Middleton was momma. :-) From now on you can call me Princess Christi, Duchess of Saginaw. :-)
I have realized so much lately how truly lucky I am, no blessed...that's a much better, friends, church, work. I am surrounded by amazing people. People who love me enough to pray for me each and every day and are always there to listen to me when I'm having a meltdown of some sort. It makes me question how people make it one single day without God in their life. Where does their hope come from? How do they find their purpose? How on Earth do they make it through the most difficult trials that life throws their direction? It baffles me actually, and it also saddens me more than that.
As if I didn't already know this, but I am often reminded what a powerful tool prayer is. It truly changes makes a helps the hurting stop, mends the broken hearts, envelops those at the center of it in peace. AMAZING!!! God answers prayers, He answers those in time of need, He walks with them through their trials, and carries them when they can't take another step on their own. What a truly AWESOME God we serve, and even more crazy that He loves me so very much, more than I could ever imagine.
There are so many things I am looking forward to in the coming months,but I will save that for another blog! =0) Hopefully some sense could be made of my ramblings!

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