Sunday, July 17, 2011

Giving this blogging thing a try

So, I have decided to blog, (possibly because it's hip and trendy,) to see what the craze is. :-) 
Let's was a normal day around the Blain, lunch and then church again. Believe me, I'm not complaining at all. We are part of an amazing church, and the service today was incredible. We sang one of my favorite worship songs, "Revelation Song." If you haven't heard it, it's a definite must! Here's my FAVORITE part of the song..."Filled with wonder,Awestruck wonder at the mention of Your Name. Jesus, Your Name is Power,Breath, and Living Water,Such a marvelous mystery."
Singing is a passion of mine. It's something I've loved doing since I was 4. I still remember the first song I sang in church, "Calvary." Surprisingly, I still remember every single word too. =) My grandpa stood me on a chair on  stage so everyone could see me. Such a precious memory. I remember him crying as I was sitting in his lap singing to him for the first time too. 
One day I really hope to be an amazing song writer like my grandpa'd be nice to record albums, and play guitar as well as he can too. 
Wow...who knew this blog would take this direction??!?! There's so much I could talk about, but singing is just one of those things that's a part of's what I do. I don't claim to be the best, but I can also recognize and be humbled that God blessed me with a voice to worship and to lead people to worship Him.
So this was how I ended my day. I am attempting to potty train my 2 year old Dex,  and this is the best way to keep him on the potty...the best reading material EVER...Elmo of course....

Okay...I think I've said enough for blog #1!! I'll leave you with one of my favorite scriptures since I am about to head to bed... Psalms 4:8 "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety."

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