Monday, February 9, 2015

When I Break Something, I Break it Good

Most of you know that I broke my hand falling last Thursday. It's been painful and quite hard learning how to wash and dry my hair with one hand among other things you just take for granted. Of course when I break a bone it's going to be in my dominant hand.
I went to the orthopedic surgeon today, and he seems to think surgery is the best option for my finger healing properly. There's another procedure they can do, but there's no guarantee that I'll have full function or that it will heal properly.
Needless to say this news was a shock considering I anticipated them just splinting it and calling it a day. I cried all the way into work. No one likes surgery, but especially not when they're 29 weeks pregnant.
My OB has approved the surgery and as of right now it is scheduled for Thursday. We are going for a 2nd opinion tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what outcome I'm hoping for though. If he agrees with the other doctor, it'll be an easy decision. However, if he doesn't, who's opinion do I trust more?
Please pray for wisdom. I really don't want to risk hurting baby E. She's definitely more important to me than a crooked pinky. I will have to be put under for the surgery and that makes me super nervous.
Thank for your prayers! I'll update as soon as we've made our final decision.

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