Monday, April 27, 2015

Life with Elyse Harley

As of April 22, 2015, at 8:09 AM, a beautiful baby girl was born named Elyse Harley. She was 7lbs 15 ounces and 21 inches of perfection.
Those of you who know me, know that I never expected to have a baby girl or another baby for that matter. I feel truly blessed to have experienced pregnancy and motherhood to another precious kiddo. It still blows my mind every time I look at her sweet little face. 
Having a girl has made me re-examine a lot of things. It's mostly the way I talk about myself. I really don't want to instill negative self image to my daughter. I know it's not a good idea to call yourself fat or anything in front of your kiddos at all. However, being someone who battled and overcame bulimia, I don't want to be the reason my daughter looks at herself any other way than "fearfully and wonderfully made." This will be good for me too.  Because the more I instill a positive self image to her, the more I'll start to believe myself as beautiful as well. 
So life with a newborn is challenging but I'm loving every minute. As much as I want to get things done around the house, I've enjoyed napping at random times throughout the day instead. I want to enjoy all the cuddles I can while she's extra snuggly.
I'm exhausted and I'm pretty sure I have bags under my eyes. I am not happy about the number on the scale or how my clothes fit. However, I am thankful for the beautiful little girl I was blessed with. She makes it all worth it and I refuse to let myself focus on my body when it just created such a beautiful perfect little person. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy this time. It will fly by. Enjoy every till sound she makes. And think about the day she hands you her little bundle if joy. Then you can share with boy of them all of this time that she was little. It will bring a joy to your heart.
