Monday, April 14, 2014

Am I qualified?

So have you ever felt like maybe you're just not cut out to do something? You've given it your whole heart, but maybe your whole heart isn't enough? That's kind of where I'm at right now.
I'm trying so hard to decipher if it's me feeling like something is too hard or if I'm better in the background. After all, a leader doesn't have to be out in front speaking out and giving instructions. Sometimes you are leading just as much by being quiet and just walking the walk.
The fact of the matter is it's hard for me to picture myself as a leader. That's my dilemma though. I'M my worst enemy. I keep going back to what I heard back at women of faith, "YOU are more than you know." Could this message apply to me right now? Is it fear that's making me second guess that I'm right where I need to be? Am I being asked to step way too far out of my comfort zone?
I've grown so much..through bible study, leading worship, and even an additional book I'm reading has given me so much insight. Is this another part of growing pains that I've yet to experience?
I know God's plans for us far exceed anything we would ever think ourselves worthy or strong enough for. With that, I guess I continue to seek, worship, and love on Him, and I'm sure the answer to all these doubts and fears are right in front of me. Worship is a part of my day to day life. I AM a worshiper. It's in my heart and soul and there's nothing more I'd rather do all day everyday. Is that ALL it takes to do and be all I can be for Him? Are those all the qualifications I need....a heart that hungers and thirsts for His presence?
Without Music Life Would Be Flat, Pallet Art, Distressed, Teachers gift, Wooden Signs, Recycle Wood

1 comment:

  1. I think you have such a heart for what you do and such a desire to make it the best you can that Satan probably sees that and wants to hit you where it hurts. He is the author of doubt. Keep up the good work!
