Friday, October 4, 2013

Vacation, Women of Faith, and Revival

It's been forever since I've actually had time to gather my thoughts. Life has been so busy...moving faster than I'd like.
First of all, I just wanted to share a little bit about my vacation to Minnesota and Wisconsin at the end of August. First of all, it's so crazy to think that so much time has passed. I had an amazing time with my dearest friend. Our friendship is certainly an example of those that even though there's a lot of distance, and we don't talk everyday, when we get together, it's like we were never apart. :-) I am so blessed to have her and her precious family in my life, and it was so very hard to leave them and come home. They are not just friends but an extension of my family. I'm dreaming of a move,  but we'll see where God leads us. :-) Here's my favorite pic from my visit!
When I returned home it was full speed ahead. I had Women of Faith, and WOW was it wonderful and much needed. I didn't realize how much I needed it until I was there. The theme was a lot about being more than you know, and that God is more than we know. Here are a few of the notes I took, quotes that spoke to me "He is God. Miracles are what He does. Impossible is where He starts."  "Don't just memorize, internalize the word." "He can use our past to give someone else a future." " God is not growing in His level of patience. It is perfect and complete." The worship was phenomenal. I've said this on Facebook, but hearing 10,000+ voices singing and worshiping is one of the most beautiful sounds. One other word I really loved is that "true worship is unrehearsed." Basically I could go on and on, but it was an amazing time with God and a dear friend! :-)
Lastly I wanted to talk about the revival at my church. It was phenomenal. Not because we had a special minister who's on TV, but because God moved. Again, my favorite part was leading worship. What an amazing thing to hear voices singing loud enough for me to hear them. That's what worship is all about. I was beyond blessed because you could tell everyone came expecting to meet with God. After all, if you don't come excepting you're going to leave disappointed. God never disappoints though, so you can always count on Him to show up and meet you right where you are.
Until next time! :-)

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