Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Recent Happenings

As I sit here completely exhausted, I thought it was time I posted since it's  been a while.
First of all, I am so very grateful that Aaron is employed again. While the fact that his training has been in Buffalo, NY has been trying, I'm still so thankful. We miss him terribly, but he'll be back this weekend even if it is just Saturday. :0) We'll soak up all the time we have!
It's still so amazing to me how God has provided for us throughout this whole time. Aaron has yet to get a paycheck, but money has been coming in from here and, checks. I'm in awe of God's provision. He is so faithful.
There was a short period of time where I started questioning where God had placed me and where he was using me a couple of weeks ago. Right when I was literally about to throw in the towel, He showed me that was exactly where he wanted me. Things have been so much better since, and there is no other explanation BUT God.
Easter Sunday was it always is. I had the privilege of taking a sweet little girl to church with me. It was so fun getting her ready, and Dex loved having his little girlfriend with us for the weekend. :0) We enjoyed the fun for the kiddos. The sweetest moment I shared with the little ones was when they were both chatting about how Jesus died on the cross and then came back to life on Easter. I love that their chatter was not about bunnies, but about the true reason we celebrate Easter, AKA Resurrection Sunday.

Worship was so very sweet and I couldn't stop the tears as we sang, "He became sin who knew no sin, that we might become His righteousness. He humbled Himself and carried the cross. Love so AMAZING. Jesus Messiah, name above all names, blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel. The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven, Jesus Messiah..Lord of all." I felt so overwhelmed with His love, and if you've never felt it, you're missing out.

One really cool thing that happened as I was keeping my friends sweet little girl was she was running a fever one morning...102.4. As I was in the shower, I prayed that her fever would go down. When I checked it after I got out of the shower it had already gone down to 99.4..low grade. There is still power in prayer, folks. She was ready to play, but of course, like a good mommy/caregiver, I made her take it easy...just in case. :)
Well I'm sure I could ramble on and on, but after my steroid shot, (which I had hoped would give me energy,) I am exhausted. I believe I will be turning in early again tonight.

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