Friday, February 17, 2012

Chin Infection and Gall Bladder Surgery

Instead of writing the longest Facebook status ever written, I figured this was the best way to update everyone. First of all, this morning I went and had my follow up visit for my chin infection. The packing was removed, and basically with antibiotics and cream, the hole will  have to heal from the inside out. It's disgusting still, and I will probably have a scar, but it's real low on my chin. I'm sure it will hardly be noticeable. =0) I'm not feeling all that great, and the doc said it's because my body is fighting hard against the infection. Also, one of my antibiotics is known for making a very unhappy tummy.
Okay, so first and foremost, Aaron is okay. The surgery took a lot longer than anticipated, but his gall bladder was successfully removed. Because it should've been taken out back in August when his pain originally started, he has this bulb thing attached to him to let fluid drain out. Apparently his gall bladder was in super bad shape: inflamed and infected. Until this is removed, I get the wonderful job of emptying it every 30 minutes or so. It looks like red Gatorade, so it's not too bad.
While in the waiting room I had a terrible headache and felt nauseous. I'm sure it was mostly because I hadn't eaten since earlier this morning and nerves about the surgery lasting so long. Once I was able to go see Aaron, I had to stop the nurse in the middle of her instructions to run to the bathroom to throw up! After that, I was given some graham crackers and almost immediately started feeling better. Needless to say I cried a lot today, but I thank God that we are both home in one piece and on the mend.
Please pray for Aaron. The complications that are possible are pretty scary, so just pray that he heals perfectly.
On a side note, Aaron on pain meds is quite amusing!! =0) There's always silver lining!

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