Thursday, September 29, 2011

Turning Thirty's Terrific =0)

So, as many of you know, I am turning 30 on October 11th. While most ladies are not excited about this at all, I'm actually pretty stoked. Call me crazy!! It might be true!! :0)
Here are the reasons I'm okay with leaving my 20s behind...while I will admit this is weird. Although I've been an adult for a while now, it seems like when you're 30, you're officially a grown up. I know that probably makes no sense, but I guess that's where the crazy comes in. ;-)
Okay, now to the reasons why I'm okay with it! First of all I have a hubby who thinks (or pretends to think) that I'm the hottest girl in the world. ;) Judging from past relationships I've been in this is HUGE!! I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm not. He loves me for me. The fact that he can do that while knowing EVERYTHING about me is pretty amazing. The fact that he bought me an hour massage for an early birthday present is pretty awesome too. He blessed me with 2 boys, one I didn't get the honor of meeting until he was a 3 year old in my daycare class, and the other of course I got to experience the beauty and craziness of pregnancy and child birth! Love my boys even on the days when one or all of them are driving me INSANE!! I am a mother, which is something I've always wanted to be!!!
Let's see what else...well I have a house, a great job, the car I've always wanted, (Honda CRV.) Yes folks a CRV is the car of my dreams! I'm really easy to please. The fact that I am part of the praise team and choir at church and get to use the gift of singing which God gave me is something else that makes turning 30 not too bad. I have all my needs met and many of the things I want.
The support system I have is amazing! My parents are truly the best..always such an encouragement. My friends, wow, it's so incredible to have people that love me unconditionally because they choose to. It's a comfort to know that they are lifting me up in prayer when I need it and even if I feel I don't. :)
When I look back to where I was 10 years ago, I am so grateful for where I am.  "If you could see where Jesus brought me from, to where oh I am today, then you would know the reason why I love my Jesus so." When I sing the words to this song it's so hard not to cry. I was a mess. So why would I be sad about a number? Will I look any different the day I turn 30? Nope. Will I feel different? Probably not. The truth is, even if I do, I am ready to walk into my 30s excited about what God has in store for me. Don't get me wrong, my life is far from perfect and there are many things I would change. I just think back to where I used to be, how I used to view myself, and I am so proud of the women God has molded me from the ashes of my past mistakes and triumphs. So to 30, I say bring it on. I'm not scared. ;) I am more confident and know that with God on my side there's nothing I'll ever face alone.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

Today has just been one of those days. It hasn't been a bad day at all. However, all I can say about this day is blah.  Perhaps it's the clouds although we desperately need the rain. The cooler weather...probably not since I am SO READY for the temps to cool down for good.
I think what it all boils down to is I'm having a 'girl day.' Most of you know what I mean, but it's just one of those days where I feel fat and uncomfortable in my own skin. Most days I can get past this, but today.... BLAH!! Before any of you go too crazy over my last comment, remember that I am someone who has always obsessed about my weight. If you've read my previous blog, you know that I took it to a very unhealthy extreme. Sadly, while God has given me strength to avoid that road ever again, it's a constant battle to believe and see that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made." It's just incredibly difficult to accept any weight gain...even if it's just 5 pounds.
My mind always goes to the most extreme things first...don't eat, just drink fruit juices along with fruits and veggies, diet pills....blah, blah, blah.....
Luckily the smart side of me knows if I would just eat a little better, drink a ton of water, and exercise, I would be FANTASTIC!! So folks, don't worry about me. I know that I am in a good place. I also know that because of this my old struggles are going to rear their ugly heads. Thank God for giving me the strength not to fall for those silly tricks again.
So, since this was not the most uplifting blog ever, I leave you with a very funny pic of Dex...I hope you LOL! =0) Sadly he was walking better in these shoes than I do! For those of you wondering, I do not encourage this type of behavior, but what kind of mom would I be if I didn't get a picture?  =-)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11th....Have We Let Ourselves Forget?

I've gone back and forth on what to blog about next and this seems fitting with the 10th anniversary being tomorrow. 
I can honestly say that I will never forget where I was and what I was doing 10 years ago tomorrow. I can still remember the heartbreak and fear that the terrorists evoked. More than that though, I remember how it seemed that the country as a whole prayed...not to Mohammed, or Buddha, but to the one true LIVING God, the only One that could truly save us and protect us. I can honestly say I had hoped that it would be a turning point for our country to once again become One Nation Under God. Sadly, it seems we have gone the total opposite direction. Unfortunately, we let ourselves forget. While it's so nice to see everyone posting how they will never forget 9/11, in their everyday life, it is so evident that they/we did. 
Why are the leaders,churches, EVERYONE not crying out to God DAILY? How come it seems that we are just pushing Him further and further away? The verse that's been on my heart this past week is this: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2nd Chronicles 7:14.  It's so evident that we as Americans/Christians should be on our faces pleading for God to heal our bring us back to the place where He was our first love.  I just wish everyone would realize how much better everything would be if we allowed God back in.
This entry wouldn't be complete if I didn't say anything about the wonderful heroes of September 11th and the everyday heroes. I will forever be grateful to our military, the police, firemen, EMT's that gave up their lives and those who continue to put their lives on the line for complete strangers. They do it selflessly to preserve the freedom that we so often take for granted. Thank you for your selflessness! Thank you to your families who allow you to preserve and protect this wonderful nation. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed, and there are so many of us that are lifting you up each day in prayer. May God give you the grace, peace,and strength you need to make it through each day.