Saturday, February 24, 2024

More Than Able

I've had a couple of things on my heart lately, and it all started when our church sang the song "More Than Able" during a worship set a couple of weeks ago. As you probably guessed, I started crying. I didn't quite understand why, but after hearing the song again last night at a women's conference, it started to make a little more sense. The message from last nights conference also opened my eyes a bit more.

Many who are close to me know that 2023 was probably the worst year I've ever experienced. My heart broke in ways that I never knew possible. I was overwhelmed with sadness more times than I can count, and honestly some days those waves still pull me under. The lyrics to this song were kind of a punch in the gut. 

When I did I start to forget all of the great things that You did?

When did I throw away faith for the impossible?

How did I start to believe You weren't sufficient for me?

Why do I talk myself  out of seeing miracles?

Many don't discuss how hard it is when you pray and believe for a miracle, and God's way is different. We are quiet about how soul crushing that can be. It's an odd thing to trust but also have doubts you can't shake. I know God is able, but it hurts so bad when He doesn't. 

I think the lyrics of this song struck me, because I had let those doubts take root in my heart. It's hard to admit. It feels so frustrating, since I've literally experienced the miraculous in my life. 

Last night at the conference, we talked about being rooted, planted firmly, so that when the storms of life blow, we might bend, but we won't break. We also discussed continuing, pushing through when it's hard, not giving up. We were never told it would be easy. When you think about it, we were told often how hard the race of life would be. 

I'm so grateful that while the last 9 months have been so difficult, I have been surrounded by the most amazing community. There were moments that I thought I would break, but guess what, I'm still standing. While my faith has been rocked, I know that God is more than able. I really can't deny all the great things He's done in my life, the miracles I've witnessed in my life and in the lives of those around me. 

I do truly believe that He is all I need. My heart just needed to be reminded. Don't give up, friends! Continue, and when you get tired, I pray you have those around you who hold you up until you can stand on your own again. 

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