Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 Tried, but it Didn't Take Me Down

 As 2023 rapidly comes to a close, I would be lying if I didn't say that I am beyond happy to see this year end. If I could sum up this year with one word it would be devastating. Devastating loss after devastating loss, health scares, financial struggles, so many was a doozy for sure. 

It's so odd to be able to describe the year as devastating, but there's also so much good that came out of this year. My precious Elyse decided to follow Jesus and be baptized. I found an amazing job with the best coworkers. While I already knew I had some of the best friends, those friendships certainly deepened over this year. I've learned what it truly means to walk though the deepest pits with the people I love so so much. I discovered that I am a person that people lean on and count on. What a privilege that is. 

My relationship with the Lord has deepened as well. I have prayed like I've never prayed before. I have read through the bible with one of my favorites. I've also discovered again how truly perfect God's timing is. God is in every detail, and it leaves me in awe over and over again. How people make it through life without Jesus, I will never understand. I'm so grateful that I don't have to. You don't either. ;-)

When I think of 2024, I can only pray that it's less painful. 2023 did teach me that tomorrow is not promised, so I plan to make sure I love my people with everything I have. I don't want to waste any moments. I want to be more intentional with my time. I also want to be kinder to myself. I've always struggled so much with image issues, not feeling good enough. While I've come a long way from where I used to be, I am praying that I don't waste my time on those thoughts this year. 

I mostly pray that when I look back on 2024, that I will be able to say that I am not who I was at the beginning. I want to follow Jesus with all I have, study and learn His word, have an intentional prayer life, be a better mom, wife and friend. Maybe I'll even become a better musician this year! 

Happy New Year, friends! May we all experience the love, peace, hope and joy that is found in Jesus! I pray you're also surrounded by the greatest of friends who will walk with you through the highs and lows of life. I am one blessed lady. 2023 tried but it didn't take me down. 

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