Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So Long 2013

Another year has come and gone. It seems time just goes by faster and faster. Instead of dwelling on some of the not so happy moments, I'd rather take a look back at the happiest ones. The year started off with an opportunity to spend the day in a recording studio with two of the most talented people I know...Barry and Michelle Patterson. My cousin Sommer was there of course. This day made the fact that Aaron was still unemployed not sting so much.
I could literally go on and on about the highlights of 2013. One of my absolute favorite weeks was the one I spent with Sean, Kate, Cannon and Charlie! I love my sweet friends and hope that 2014 brings me back to Wisconsin for another visit.
I played guitar, sang, learned new songs, tried new recipes, spent time with friends, listened to live music, and started running.

I'm very much looking forward to 2014. I'm looking forward to questions being answered, new opportunities, and all the new adventures awaiting me, my family and friends in 2014. I never make resolutions, but there are a few things I always strive for. I want to continue to improve on the guitar/keyboard, I want to learn new songs, and delve in deeper to the Bible. Can't wait to start the new bible study with my sweet friends!! :-) Well friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I'll try to do this blog thing a little more regularly this new year.

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