Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love, Love, Love

So, my last post was about me crying a lot. ;0) This one is going to be a bit different. I've really felt overwhelmed with God's love lately, and while it's awesome, it's got me thinking. Here goes...
With the election times bringing out the worst in people, arguing about this and that, who's better than who, I just can't help thinking we're missing the BIGGER picture. What our country really needs is to realize that we need God more than anything. We need to fall back in love with Him. We as Christians need to love. We need to love as HE loved or I should say as He LOVES. I know it sounds cheesy and simplistic, but can you imagine a world where Christians ACTUALLY acted like Christ? An America where the church was operating as an extension of His loving arms?
We have the Hope that so many people are longing for, the Love they all need. I think what so many fail to understand is that you don't have to agree with someone to love them. The bickering I see between Christians on Facebook so often is so heartbreaking to me. What is that saying to those who are lost? Not to mention, whatever issue you are arguing about, is it as important as a soul lost and going to Hell or someone who is barely making it through each day, because they've lost all hope. We are the only Jesus some people will ever see, and it's so important that we're conveying His true character. Yes, He hates sin, He despises it! We know this, but it's still so important that we "Love them like Jesus." We need to show people compassion, His compassion.
I guess I've just realized lately that we get worked up over such trivial things. Our soul purpose is to point people to the cross. God in His love and mercy will do the rest. I know none of us are perfect, and I for one am far from it. We have to strive daily to let Jesus shine through us, so that others will come to know the Hope that we've found in Him.

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