Sunday, March 23, 2014

ADD Blog... :-)

Life is full of highs and lows. One minute things are wonderful and the next, not so wonderful. I've been teetering between the best and not so good times. Through it all though, God is good!
I've continued my read through the Bible plan and I've read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Matthew. It's been so fun to read, learn and actually understand. My friend's and I are still making it through our Bible study.
While I'm loving it, I've been doing the worst job of saving it for the last possible second. My goal is start making my bible study time a priority and letting everything else fall into place. When God is first everything does seem to fall into place.
Our pastor has been preaching hard about loving God with all our heart, soul mind and strength. ALL of us! It's been incredible and eye opening.
I've also started reading The Blessed Life by pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church. It's been such a great book about tithe and offering and the impact it can make in our lives as Christians. It's opened my eyes in ways I never thought. We go through life believing what we're told and never really digging deep to find answers for ourselves. Lazy Christianity, I guess or maybe we just aren't familiar enough with our 'sword.' There is power in the word and it's so important that we don't know what the pastor says, but what God says in His word.
Now onto the not so good. I haven't been feeling well for a while. I'm pretty sure I had a double ear infection, and  honestly the pain hasn't completely gone away. I've been having sharp pains in my stomach, and have just felt like crap....nauseous, snotty, you name it. I've finally decided to do the thing I hate to do...go to the doctor. I'm hoping they'll do blood work at my request and hopefully figure out why I lack energy and feel like poo all the time. On the bright side, I'm finally to the point where I really want to explore the natural remedies found in essential oils. I have a couple of friends who are doing oil classes and I'm going to spend the time to learn and hopefully help me and my family.
Through the good times and bad, God is always by my side. My relationship with Him is growing and I'm absolutely loving it. While there are some friendships in my life I question, God has blessed me with some lifetime friends that I can count no matter what the situation. 
God has also done an amazing work in Aaron. He was never 'bad', but it is so wonderful to have a husband who prays for me. What seems small to some is something I've desperately wanted the ALMOST 9 years we've been married. It's crazy how much relationships change over the years and how you can truly fall more in love with each year that passes.
The one thing that always holds true is that no matter what life throws your way is to P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens. Seek God, and spend time with Him. He might not remove the storm, but He'll be right beside you until it passes and everyday after. :-)
Psalms 3:3-5 But You, O Lord are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke for the Lord sustained me.

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