Sunday, February 24, 2013

God is Faithful

I'm sure a lot of you looked at this title and thought..DUH!!! I know there are some of you though that are probably in the midst of something and aren't quite sure of this. Let me share what God has shown me over the past few months.
As all of you know by now, some very unfortunate events took place that left Aaron unemployed. He is still riding the unemployment train, and we were even denied unemployment due to the odd circumstances that caused him to become jobless. You also know that we received a "Christmas miracle" that was FANTASTIC!!! I say all of that to say this, we have been living off my income for almost 3 months. I make WAY less than Aaron did. I am not "tooting our horn" when I say this, but we continued to tithe throughout this whole experience...the same amount as if Aaron was still getting paid. I questioned it a couple of times. Should we lower our amount to a 'true' 10%? After all, we're not making what we used to, but Aaron and I never felt a peace about it.
Again, I'm not saying any of this to paint us as 'holier than thou,' because trust me we're not, I'm not!! I'm saying that when we're faithful with what we have, God blesses it. There is NO EARTHLY way that the money we have in savings plus what I make every 2 weeks should have sustained us for this long. Oh yeah...guess's still sustaining us!!! We haven't depleted anything!!! It's crazy and there's no explanation for it, BUT GOD!!! AMAZING!!!
You see, this isn't just a lesson in tithing, although I do think that it is so very important and have seen firsthand God multiply and provide where there shouldn't be. It's about trusting God with everything. It's about giving Him that heavy burden, that load your tired and weary from, and trusting that He's faithful to take care of it. Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." God is faithful to give you rest, joy, peace through whatever circumstance or storm that you are facing. He is faithful, SO FAITHFUL!!! This morning we sang the song "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) and every time we get to this verse, I cry. "The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures."  God's promises are not like our promises...they are TRUTH!!! He is faithful.
This morning as I was driving into church I read this verse and rang true with what has been on my heart. Isaiah 25:1 "O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name. For You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth"

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