Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving..Thankful for Things I Didn't Even Realize

So today has been a wonderful day as are most Thanksgivings. I have found myself reflecting on the past few months, and it's crazy what God will show you if you are still enough to listen.
While it might sound insane I can say, (probably for the first time ever,) that I am grateful for the 2 brain surgeries I had when I was a sophomore in high school. I am also so thankful that God healed me right before I was supposed to have the 3rd one, and that I've remained healthy ever since. Why am I grateful for a very scary and painful time in my life? I think the main reason is because it helped me when my mom was diagnosed with her brain tumor. Did I fall apart? Of course I did, but once I got past that point, I remembered what God brought me through. The one thing that kept me going while she was in surgery was, "If He brought me out of 2 brain surgeries, surely He can bring her through 1."  After her hair started falling out from radiation, I could totally empathize. Yes, my hair was shaved due to my surgeries, but I still understood how devastating it is as a woman to lose your hair. I am so grateful for this time in my life, because when people are going through things I TRULY believe God CAN perform a miracle. They're not just words for me, because I am a walking miracle. When  I pray for healing, I believe with every part of me.  I'm actually fighting tears right now. I've never been bitter about that period in my life, but I've always wondered why 2 surgeries, why didn't God heal me before? It's like now it all makes sense to me. Gods ways are not our ways, and we may never understand, but it's amazing when we do. :)
In closing I'll leave you with a few of our Christmas pics! Most of you have seen them on Facebook, but I know I do have a few readers who aren't on Facebook! :0)

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