Saturday, August 18, 2012

An Aching Heart and Lots of Tears

 I have so much to share, but finding the quiet time to sit and gather my thoughts always seems to be the problem. It's a bit discouraging knowing that there really aren't too many people that read what I write on here, but then again, I'm thrilled that ANYONE at all wants to hear what I have to say. ;0)
God has been working on me big time. I can't even say it's been since my mom was given the news of her brain tumor. She's doing AMAZING by the way!! Praise God!! It's really been going on for a while now. I'd venture to say once I started leading worship is when I really started noticing Him molding me. I've been praying for a long time for God to use me, and it's really strange how He has been.
For those of you who that have had the privilege of knowing me for a while..(totally kidding) know that I've always been a pretty sensitive person, a crier. Lately I pretty much cry on a daily basis. Sometimes it hits me at work, in the car, while I'm in bed trying to go to sleep, or it could be a song I hear on the radio.
Yesterday as I was driving the song came on that says, "All I know is I'm not home yet. This is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus. This is not where I belong." I just started crying.... God has literally been breaking my heart for everyone, at least it feels that way. My heart hurts for our country, my heart hurts for my friends, my heart hurts for Christians who lack compassion, my heart hurts for people I know who are going to Hell,my heart hurts for those suffering loss, my heart hurts for those fighting cancer, my heart hurts for the families of those fighting cancer, my heart hurts that no one cares about the millions of babies murdered through abortion...MY HEART ACHES and I cry. I can't stop it, and it often overwhelms me at awkward times.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to stop. We should all feel and hurt for each other. Isn't that what it's all about...Christ's LOVE. If we don't care, then WE should really take a long hard look in the mirror. I'm not telling you to walk around crying all the time like me, but take the time to feel. Often times, our first instinct is to judge instead of love and pray. We could never understand or comprehend what everyone's going through, but God sure does.
We as Christians are to be the light of the world. The best way to shine through the darkness and ugliness of this world is to show Christ's love. There's so much more God has been revealing to me, but I'll save that when I have another quiet moment. Love you all so much!


  1. This is beautiful and I LOVE it, friend! How right you are that we are so quick to judge. May we be more inclined to love and pray!!

  2. Made me cry ;). You have the gift if compassion and it is something God uses to remind us its not all about ourselves and our moments. Love u!
