Sunday, February 12, 2012

Living Defeated instead of Victorious

"This is my prayer in the battle when triumph is still on it's way. I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ, so firm on his promise I stand."

Today was rough. I'm not even really sure why. I just felt defeated. I'm sure the fact that there's some sort of growth on my chin that is making my whole face hurt doesn't help. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm beginning to think that something bit me.I've also had a headache most of the day, and I think part of me is anxious about Aaron's surgery Friday to remove his gall bladder. I could name so many other things that are making me worry, but it's really just life in general. 
After I got past my moping, I found myself anticipating worship at church so much! There is just something about the presence of God that makes the weight of the day melt away and replace it with the most precious peace. It's not what any of us deserve, but because we serve a God that is so full of grace, he freely gives it. I found myself tearing up in the car as we made our way to practice. 
The verse from "Desert Song" at the beginning of this blog post really got me thinking. "When triumph is still on its way..." I think so often we live like we are defeated. We forget that triumph will come. It won't necessarily come the way we think it should, but God will ultimately bring you through what ever valley you are in... VICTORIOUS!! We have to remember what Romans 8:37 says: "In all things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." 
The part of the song that broke me tonight was, "All of my life, in every season, You are still God I have a reason to sing. I have a reason to worship." No matter what we are going through, God is still God. He is bigger than your greatest failure, hurt, or disease. I think the best quote I've heard is "Don't tell God how big your problem is. Tell your problem how big God is." Such powerful and true words. Because I have kids my mind immediately goes to Veggie Tales: "God is bigger than the Boogie Man. He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on tv. God is bigger than the Boogie Man and he's watching over you and me."  I am so grateful that God is always watching out for us. He never leaves, never forsakes us. Praise God for his hand of provision and protection, for His mercy and grace, and his unfailing love. If God is for us, it really doesn't matter who stands against. He's got it. We just have to give it over to Him and trust and have faith that He is able to take care of it. I know that's WAY easier said than done. Our lives would be so much easier though if we lived like this..unwavering faith in God.
In closing I'll leave you with and amazing song..."Our God" 

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