Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blain Christmas Traditions

I thought this would be a fun little topic and I'd love to hear some of my friends traditions too! =0) While it's not quite Christmas yet, I believe  Black Friday shopping kicks off the whole Christmas season. My friend Jen and I meet up anywhere from 11:30PM-3AM, (depending when the sales start,) to get started and catch the best deals...(aka buy ourselves some super awesome boots and towels from Kohl's.) While it is complete MADNESS, we both enjoy EVERY SECOND of it!!

We have a few Christmas traditions in the Blain household. The first thing is we have a list of Christmas movies that we watch each year: White Christmas (my favorite,) Die Hard (Aaron's favorite,) and The Grinch w/ Jim Carey. It seems like new movies get added each year...Elf, Edward Scissorhands, but the top 3 were the first ones I listed. Dex actually sat through the whole entire Grinch this year. Considering Elmo is no where in this movie makes that a HUGE deal!! =0)

I think my favorite tradition is waking up at 5AM Christmas morning and going to Denny's for a French Toast Slam. We then come back home and open presents. Then Aaron and I try to go back to bed. ;)

Christmas day is pretty chill after presents are opened. We don't do a big lunch. Last year we had meatball subs, chips and dip. Not sure what's on the menu this year, but we try to keep it simple with just Aaron, me and the boys.
One tradition I'm hoping to start now that I have learned to play Christmas carols on my guitar is singing. It's something I always enjoyed so much as a child. Singing=Christmas at my grandparents house. Once my grandpa passed away that kind of stopped, but I WILL restart this tradition this year!! =0) I'm no where near the musician he was, but that's not the point!
Well my friends, that's all until I am inspired to write again!!
Couldn't resist posting this from my ALL TIME FAVORITE Christmas movie! Enjoy!

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