Saturday, May 14, 2016

Surgery day and Post Op

So last time I wrote I was preparing for Elyse's surgery. Monday will be 2 weeks and she's doing incredible. I haven't really shared about surgery day, so I thought I would since it was pretty amazing.
After they wheeled her back, we went into the waiting area. We just happened to sit by someone reading his bible. Before we knew it, him and a member from his church were having a bible study right next to us. An elder from his church prayed with us, and then we ended up talking to the pastor's wife for a long time.
Say what you will, but these people were totally a God send. Elyse's procedure was supposed to only be an hour, and it ended up taking about 2 1/2 hours. Had we not sat right where we did, I would have been so anxious wondering what was taking so long. While I did check the time more than once, we were captivated by our conversation. Aaron and the man who's son was also having surgery exchanged numbers right before we went back to see Elyse. I think what was most encouraging to me was how at peace the man was. His son was having brain surgery,MAJOR surgery, but yet, him and his church family were such an encouragement to us. God is so good. His timing is perfect, and he knew exactly what I needed that day.
While I was a peace during her procedure, I completely fell apart when I saw her afterwards. It's so hard to see your baby hurting and knowing there's really nothing you can do. We've made it through the worst of it, and she is still my perfect, beautiful, princess. Mommy is praying for no scaring which is probably a silly prayer. I just know how critical I am of myself, and I don't ever want my baby girl to doubt how beautiful she is.
Being a mommy to a girl is definitely a whole new experience. It's forcing me to choose my words carefully. It's also making me realize that I don't ever want Elyse to be as critical of herself as I have been of myself. I don't ever want her to doubt her worth and that she's fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am so grateful for my relationship with God and the wonderful support system I have. I truly can't imagine life without Jesus and praying friends.

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