Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our God is Greater

I posted a status on Facebook the other day, and I would really like to expound on what God has been reminding me of this week.
All of us can admit that life is rough. For so many people I know this is one of the roughest seasons of their lives. Trial after trial, storm after storm, and it just seems like the waves keep crashing with no sign of relief. This song, "Our God is Greater," has been on my heart all week. God is greater than fear, depression, sickness, disease, financial issues, sadness...ANYTHING that you are going through. No matter how big you think your problem is, our God is bigger! The lyrics say:
"Into the darkness You shine. Out of the ashes we rise. There's no One like You, none like You. Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. God You are Higher than any other. Our God is Healer, awesome is power, Our God , Our God. And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us, and if our God is with us, then what could stand against."
That's the thing, WE are not strong enough on our own, but with God, we are more than conquerors. I know  it's so easy to get discouraged. I've been there more times than I can count. One verse that always encourages me is John 16:33: "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." So often we try to carry the weight of our trial on our own, but what we really need to do is cast it at the feet of our Heavenly Father and let Him make our burden light. 
I know it sounds so simple, and it is easier said than done, but in the midst of your trial always remember that  Our God Is GREATER, HE's BIGGER and He WILL carry you through!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pray Like You've Never Prayed Before

We've definitely established that I'm an extremely emotional person. I wear my feelings on my heart/sleeve/'s all out there! There's no guessing with me, well except whether or not I'm sad, happy or mad crying! ;0)
Lately it just seems like people close to me are just being bombarded with huge, heart wrenching life events. With me..I always think, what can I do to make this better? How can I lighten this burden? The truth is in most cases, I can't, and I'm not going to lie...this drives me insane. Of course as a friend I can offer a shoulder, an ear, a punching bag, etc. It never is enough though.
The most powerful tool we have in our possession is prayer. Oddly enough, I often find myself saying all I can do is pray. Sometimes ALL we NEED to do is pray and let God take care of the rest. I can't tell you how many times I personally have seen situations turned around because of prayer.Prayer changes things. It makes the hopeless hopeful, the lonely feel loved, those who are mourning feel joy, and those who are in the midst of the biggest storm suddenly feel peace.
Miracles do happen. I hate that because of what TV has made it, some people can't believe that God can still heal the sick. I am someone who was once sick and is now whole. I won't tell the long version of the story, but I had two surgeries on my head due to fluid on the brain: the 1st was to just drill a hole in my skull and let the fluid drain out, and the 2nd was to put a shunt in. Those two surgeries did NOT work. When I went in for a check up a 3rd surgery was scheduled. I had one more scan and the surgery was the following day. At that point I told my dad I'd rather die than have surgery again. Obviously I was in high school and dramatic from having half my head shaved and two painful surgeries already. That night we had my friends come over to pray for me. The next day when I went to the doctor he was surprised I was even walking and the 3rd surgery was cancelled. MIRACLES happen!! =0) I've been fine ever since.
I say all of that to say this, my friends, your friends, our families, they're struggling. They so desperately need someone who loves them enough to pray for them. Don't just say you'll pray, and not do it, PRAY! We all need strength, encouragement, hope, peace, HEALING...some of us need to feel God's loving arms wrapped around us. It sounds silly but prayers are like hugs. They wrap around you at the most desperate times and cover you in peace when you should be falling apart. God is amazing like that!

 Pray without ceasing.1 Thessalonians 5:17

Evening and morning and at noon, I will pray and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice. Psalms 55:17

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love, Love, Love

So, my last post was about me crying a lot. ;0) This one is going to be a bit different. I've really felt overwhelmed with God's love lately, and while it's awesome, it's got me thinking. Here goes...
With the election times bringing out the worst in people, arguing about this and that, who's better than who, I just can't help thinking we're missing the BIGGER picture. What our country really needs is to realize that we need God more than anything. We need to fall back in love with Him. We as Christians need to love. We need to love as HE loved or I should say as He LOVES. I know it sounds cheesy and simplistic, but can you imagine a world where Christians ACTUALLY acted like Christ? An America where the church was operating as an extension of His loving arms?
We have the Hope that so many people are longing for, the Love they all need. I think what so many fail to understand is that you don't have to agree with someone to love them. The bickering I see between Christians on Facebook so often is so heartbreaking to me. What is that saying to those who are lost? Not to mention, whatever issue you are arguing about, is it as important as a soul lost and going to Hell or someone who is barely making it through each day, because they've lost all hope. We are the only Jesus some people will ever see, and it's so important that we're conveying His true character. Yes, He hates sin, He despises it! We know this, but it's still so important that we "Love them like Jesus." We need to show people compassion, His compassion.
I guess I've just realized lately that we get worked up over such trivial things. Our soul purpose is to point people to the cross. God in His love and mercy will do the rest. I know none of us are perfect, and I for one am far from it. We have to strive daily to let Jesus shine through us, so that others will come to know the Hope that we've found in Him.