Monday, May 28, 2012

Catching up and What God has Shown Me

Alrighty folks, it's been a while. A lot has been going on, but I just haven't really had the time or really felt like 'writing' it down. First off..... Dex turned 3:
Brett turned 12 and we braved a sleep over and survived! =0)
I think that about covers the big events. Now onto what God has been revealing to me over the past month or so. I can honestly say I've been struggling quite a bit with a lot of different stuff. The details don't really matter. God knows and I have many close friends praying for me and who have kept me sane and smiling through this valley. It's just seems like I've been attacked from every side and it's been overwhelming to say the least. Here's my biggest dilemma though, which also leads to what God has revealed to me.
I have a huge problem with comparing my struggles with those of my friends, (trust me,so many of my friends are going through some incredibly trying times,) and when I do this I end up feeling like an idiot. Their pain is greater, their mountain taller, their struggle so much harder than anything I could ever imagine. Even typing this and thinking about their different individual circumstances brings tears to my eyes and makes my hills, not even mountains, seem so insignificant.
Here's what God has taught me though. He doesn't think my struggles are insignificant at all. If I'm hurting, He's hurting too. What's important to me is also important to Him. He longs for all His children to feel joy and happiness and peace. The beauty of it all is that God doesn't prioritize as I would. I'm not a saint, but I know there are so many that struggles far exceed mine. God can handle it all, you see? He doesn't have to tell me to go away and get over it because so-and-so needs Him more. He's big enough to carry us all. Coming to this realization made me cry tears of does typing it. I love that His arms are so big and so loving and that He cares for each one of us individually. You see I haven't been blogging, because I've really been focusing on letting God move in my life..move in my circumstances. Are things better?Yes and no, but I have a peace knowing that God will carry me through.