Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday Tunes Part 2 "What Love is This" Kari Jobe

I just couldn't wait to post this one until next week. I have to post the lyrics, because they're awesome and not on the video! Enjoy!!

You never change, you are the god you say you are
when I’m afraid you calm and still my beating heart
you stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought you take my pain
and you lead me to the cross
What love is this, that you gave your life for me
and made a way for me to know you
and I confess you’re always enough for me you’re all I need
I look to you
I see the scars upon your hands
And hold the truth
That when I can’t you always can
I’m standing here beneath the shadow of the cross,
I’m overwhelmed that I keep finding open arms
What love is this that you gave your life for me and
made a way for me to know you
And I confess, you’re always enough for me
You’re all I need
Jesus in your suffering you were reaching you thought of me
Jesus in your suffering you were reaching you thought of me
What love is this, that you gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know you
And I confess, you’re always enough for me
You’re all I need
What love is this, that you gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know you
And I confess, you’re always enough for me
Always enough for me
Always enough for me

Tuesday Tunes-"Find You on My Knees" Kari Jobe

First of all I just have to say if you have never heard Kari Jobe's music, you're missing out!! This song as quickly become one of my absolute favorites from her new album. I can't even pick out a lyric to share, because I love it all!! Listen to the lyrics and know that God is there even when all you have left is brokenness!! He's there and He'll never leave you!  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Heavy Heart

Today has been emotionally draining. It's so hard when your friends are struggling/hurting. My heart hurts for so many reasons today. I think the hardest part of knowing your friend is hurt is that there truly is nothing I can do to fix it...that is at least in MY power. It's so easy to lose faith when things seem so far gone...so beyond repair.
Luckily, I know where MY hope comes from. It is from my Savior who has already defeated the ugliness of this world.
I think where I struggle the most is letting the weight of the burden my friend is carrying consume me too. I don't even know how to explain it, but my thoughts are consumed with worry and what I can do. Did I do enough? Have I truly been there? Could I have stopped this had I tried harder to reach out? This is NOT what I should be doing. It's so easy to get caught up in the would've, should've, could've and what if's. I should lay my friends burden at the feet of Jesus and let Him take care of it. My job as a friend,( and more importantly a Godly friend,) is to truly battle for my friend on my knees. That is where the change happens. What kind of friends are we if we're not ceaselessly praying for those that we love? I mean praying for them even when nothing is wrong...at least that we know of. We all know this life is tough. There are constant battles and hardships. Storms come when you least suspect...which is why it is imperative that we're constantly praying. Through prayer, we receive the peace and strength we need to make it through whatever this life throws at us.
I just truly want to be who God created me to be. I want to be a light to this lost and dying world. As a friend, I want to be the encourager, the one that people come to for prayer. I just want God's light and love to shine through me so bright that they see Him when they look at me.
One of my dearest friends posted this song today, and it kind of fits this, so you get a bonus song today! ;0)
I think my favorite part of this song is: "His mercy, it is unfailing. His arms are a fortress for the weak....I lift my hands to believe again. You are my Refuge. You are my strength. As I pour out my heart, these things I remember, You are faithful, God, FOREVER."

Tuesday Tunes-"Your Great Name" Natalie Grant

I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it. I especially love this acoustic version! I think I have a new goal : learn to play this on my guitar! ;0)
We so often forget how powerful the name of Jesus is. It's almost as if we don't believe it. 
Yesterday I was leading worship at church. All day long, I just let the yuck of the day wear on me. My neck and back were sore from the wreck, dealing with the insurance company, horrible headache...and the list goes on and on. A good friend of mine sent me a song by Misty Edwards, and oh my, it changed my perspective real quick. I was like "Okay, God! No excuses, I'm going to church." =0) Maybe if there's a way, I will share the song I heard today...not real sure how to find it again. It's 20 minutes of WOW!! ;0) Church was amazing last night, and I would've totally missed out on a blessing. That's the awesome thing about God. When we are obedient and we seek after and call on His name, He's always there, He always gives us more than we ever deserve. As I was singing, the cares of my day just melted away! All I could do was cry, because even after my crappy attitude, He still blessed me!
Okay...I guess I should stop 'talking' and post the song! Love you, friends!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Psalms 4:8

"I will both lay me down in peace and sleep:for you, Lord, only make me dwell in safety."
With Aaron's new job, I have been trying so hard to meditate on this verse. Being home alone has never been an issue for me. I've always cherished my alone time. I guess the saying rings true: You don't realize what you have until it's gone. I've quickly realized over the past three weeks that I depend on Aaron for security. Just the simple fact that he is in the house or that I know he's coming home helps me to sleep peacefully. I've tossed, turned, jumped out of bed at every little sound. There have been a couple of nights I even resorted to having Dex sleep with me in hopes that it would ease my nerves.
I'm sure by this time you're wondering what's the point. Well here goes. While I don't think there is anything wrong with me feeling safe and secure when Aaron is home, it is wrong for me to be so fearful. The verse says it all. The Lord of all the Earth "makes me dwell in safety." Whom shall I fear? It's so hard to fathom, but God is watching out for me every moment of every day. He's got my best interest at heart and He wants nothing more than for me to rest in His safe and loving arms. Yes, the world is such a scary place...full of crazies, but my God is stronger than ANYthing that could ever try to come against me. I need to truly rest in Him and know that He is watching out for me and my boys while Aaron is away providing for our family. This new work week, I am going to really pray for His peace to wash over me. I'm honestly sick of losing sleep and walking around like a zombie. As much as I hate to admit it, it really is of my own doing.
So if I could ask one thing of my dear friends, it would be that you pray for me these next 7 weeks of this contract Aaron is on. Peaceful and restful sleep is all I ask!! =0)
I want to sleep like this...without a care in the world like Dex knowing that mommy and daddy are here for him. Like Dex, I can rest in the fact that my Heavenly Father is watching over me with even more love, and He never closes His eyes for a second!! =0)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Tunes-"Rescue" Newsong

I absolutely love this song! I think the first time I heard it was visiting a Christ for the Nations worship night!! Give it a listen!! It's an absolutely amazing song! What a blessing that we have Jesus to come to our rescue!! =0)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Heart of Worship

So this blog is for and about me..a little glance into the struggles of Christi Blain. =0)
I have taken on a new role at my church that is quite intimidating. To some it may sound silly, but it truly has been overwhelming. This past Sunday I was asked to lead a few worship songs for the evening service going forward. I have always been part of a team, but I have never been part of the planning of the songs. This is all new territory for me. I have recruited several of my friends for their weekly set lists, so I will have a sort of road map to go by. Don't get me wrong, I know that God lays particular songs on your heart, but my issue thus far is just trying to figure out what songs flow once I have that one song I know for sure I want to use. The box of music I received, while exciting, threw me for quite a loop. What key do I need this in? How are there SO many songs to choose from? Again I love it so much, because worship music is primarily what I listen to!!
So how did the first Sunday go, you ask? Umm...I'd say it was okay. It was totally unplugged..aka no microphone, just my voice and my dad's guitar! What did I struggle with the most? It's actually the thing I hate the most about myself. During worship,unless I allow myself to totally focus on God, (which I should EVERY TIME) I don't know what to do with myself, and I am constantly worried what people will think. Did I lift my hands too long...was it not long enough..should I make eye contact...have my eyes been closed for too long? Yes, I have an inner conflict and it irritates me so much about me.
Why on Earth would I care so much about what anyone would think? Why is it so hard for me to just let go and be free in my worship of Him. He deserves my all, and I should have no problem giving it to Him, since He gave His ALL for me. I have been praying so hard that God will help me let go of all my inhibitions when it comes to worshiping Him....not only that, but in serving Him too. What better way to truly lead people into His presence than to have that joy and hope reflecting off me as I sing. I don't want people to see me. I truly want them to see and feel Him while I sing. It's not a performance or a concert....it's a chance to worship at the feet of Jesus.
Here's why this is so important to me and why it always has been. Music has always carried me through some of the most difficult times in my life. When I had the two surgeries for the fluid on my brain-"His Strength is Perfect" by Steven Curtis Chapman. The heartbreak from a terrible breakup-"All I Need"Enter the Worship 2nd Circle..the list goes on and on!! When something is going on in my life, my mind immediately goes to song lyrics, which lead to scripture verses. That may seem backwards to most, but I live and breathe music. It's so hard to explain unless you're the same way. I guess that's why it is so important that I'm truly giving my all when I sing for God. I'm not just singing words...a lot of times they are truly the cries of my heart!!
This probably makes absolutely no sense to anyone but me, and that okay! It feels good to put the thoughts running through my mind in writing...kind of therapeutic for me! ;0) If you've read this whole thing, thank you! All I can ask is that you be in prayer for me..for all of us..that we're truly giving 110% to God. He deserves it more than any other! I leave you with this song that seems to tie this all together!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Tunes-How He Loves

I have always loved this song! I believe the first time I heard it was when my friend Jessica introduced me to it probably over a year ago. This version of the song is my absolute favorite! Kim Walker is an amazing worship leader. I had the honor of leading worship at church on Sunday night with my dad on the guitar and this is one of the songs we did. It's such a powerful song. I think while the chorus is simple, when you truly think about the words "He loves us. Oh how He loves us. Oh how he loves us all!" God loves us so much, and how amazing to be reminded of that through this song!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Potty Update

So, all you mom's out there know how wonderful it is to have a potty trained toddler. I can't say he's 100% since I haven't put him in underwear for the night, but I'm pretty confident in saying we're about 95% potty trained! =0) We've ventured out of the house successfully for long periods of time and there have been no messes to clean up. He seems to be a pro!! We're about 2 weeks in, and I'm thrilled!! I'm pretty sure we will have some diapers and pull-ups to give away soon!! Mommy just has to trust Dex to keep his undies dry all night! Perhaps that will be my goal for the weekend! ;0)
As sad as these pics are, he has such a sweet face, I had to share. We've had some poopy issues, but he does always go on the potty..it's just not always easy! I'm happy to report that we officially have things running smoothly now though!!So hopefully no more sad potty pics!!

And one to prove that I don't torture my kiddo and that he is actually still the happy boy you all know and love!! =0) See I have TWO happy kids! ;0)
Until tomorrow!!I have a song I absolutely love that I'll be posting!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year Brings Change and Reflection

So I have found myself this past week being incredibly overwhelmed with the changes. A new church home is tough enough, but then when you add in Aaron's job where he is gone 4 days and home for 3...it's been a bit overwhelming to say the least. I have been incredibly exhausted this week due to lack of sleep, and I am anxiously awaiting his return tonight. I'm sure I will sleep like a baby!! =0) It's been a tough couple of weeks adjusting, and I have found myself overwhelmed to tears quite a bit.
Let's just say over the past couple of days, I've been snapped out of it. I am so very grateful for the amazing opportunites that God has brought into our lives. This new job is a God send for sure..it's just taking some getting used to. Not to mention he won't always be working in San Antonio...only another 9 weeks of this particular assignment! ;0)
The first Sunday at our new church was truly a blessing. It's just completely different from the environment we had all grown so comfortable with. This is not a bad thing at all, just different. It's going to take some getting used to for sure. This Sunday Aaron told me that Brother Anger,(yes his last name is Anger,) plans on talking to me, so I'm super stoked about upcoming opportunities to become SUPER involved!! I was a little teary eyed this Sunday, but as soon as I got up and started singing, the tears were replaced with joy and peace. :0)
So you may or may not be wondering what snapped me out of my little funk. Two stories in particular that I have been following rather closely on Facebook and CaringBridge have really been getting to me the past couple of weeks. One is the story of Lauren Scruggs and her family. Reading their updates has truly been an encouragement and an eye opener to how truly blessed I am. To hear the amount positive, encouraging words from someone who's life has been turned upside down makes you realize, (or at least me,) that I have no reason to complain at all. Here's her site: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/laurenscruggs
The other is of a sweet 12 year old girl named Jessica Rees. She turned her battle with brain tumors into an opportunity to encourage and spread joy to other children battling cancer. It's just so amazing how someone so young has turned something so devastating into an amazing opportunity to spread hope and joy to other children suffering. Sadly she lost her battle with cancer yesterday, but her legacy will live on through her JoyJars and her N.E.G.U (Never Ever Give Up) organization. Such an amazing message of hope: http://www.thenegufoundation.org/joy/ and http://www.jessicajoyrees.com/.
I could go on, even about a person I actually know personally who has turned her tragedy to an amazing thing too, but the whole point of this blog is just to let you know that there is joy in times of sorrow. God can truly turn your ashes into beauty. You just have to let him. I will end with a few scriptures and a quote I love! Keep your head up folks!! God is good and He's always with us!
Phillipians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
John 16:33 3These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday Tunes-Save Me-Enter the Worship Circle

Hi everyone and Happy New Year!! This is such an awesome song, and just a really cool album!You should totally buy it if you don't have it!! http://www.entertheworshipcircle.com/  Enjoy!!! =0) Sorry, but it's short and sweet today!!