Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A New Vision

I've always wanted to be the faithful blogger, but I guess that's just not me. I had the pleasure of leading worship at a women's retreat at the beginning of this month. It was such an amazing time. Broken hearts were mended, chains were broken, lives were restored. It was such a lovely time listening to amazing women share their stories and what God has brought them out of. They shared their dreams and where they felt God was leading. The song that was on my heart while preparing for the weekend was "He Loves Us." While the chorus is so simple, the words are powerful. It's so easy to get swept away while singing with your whole heart "He Loves Us, Oh how He loves Us." I often think we sing lyrics without understanding the magnitude of what we're actually saying. The creator of the Heavens and the Earth loves ME. WOW!! :)

Prior to the retreat, I really felt in my heart that I needed to start a women's group. I've always been hesitant to step out and do something like this, because like most women I question my worth and what I have to even offer. So many of my friends are hurting right now and life has been pretty hard the last couple of months for my family. Even if it's just me and those friends, I wanted to offer a time of worship, prayer, and encouragement. I feel as women we tend to tear each other down, compare ourselves to one another instead of building each other up. Being a mom is hard. Being a wife is hard. Just feeling like enough is hard. I'm not real sure what this group will end up looking like, but I just know in my heart it's something I need to do.

 I often question my ability to lead worship, but I truly feel like it is part of the calling on my life. I've also had a heart for women. I've been broken, struggled with self worth, and feeling the need to be different, someone other than who I am. It's so important to know that others share your struggles. Someone has walked your path or one very similar. Being real is so important.

So my dear friends, please pray as I start planning and preparing for this group. Pray that each woman that attends will feel loved and leave feeling encouraged. I want this to be a safe place to share, a house of healing.