Saturday, February 20, 2016

He is Enough

It's been so long since I've even thought about writing on here. Life is so busy, and seems to be going by so quickly. There just hasn't been time to sit and gather my thoughts.
There are so many wonderful blessings in my life, but there are also so many I love suffering from life's most painful blows. My heart hurts and it's so heavy. I don't understand why things have to be the way they are sometimes. I hate that so many of our questions will never be answered on this side of Heaven. It angers me so much to watch my friends desires be shattered like broken glass. Even so, I know God is good.
It's so funny how things work. One of my dearest friends and I were riding to a housewarming party for another friend of mine. We were enjoying catching up, but also discussing some frustrations and confusion. The next thing I know, I'm being pulled over for speeding. It took everything in me not to cry. The officer took my license, and then came back to my  car and let me go with a warning. Sheila and I both immediately thanked God for His grace and mercy.
There are so many times this has happened. Just yesterday, I was so frustrated over how things were being handled with my job that's ending in a week. By the end of the day I had a job offer to work at the company one of my best friends works for. Again I say, God is SO good.
All day I've been hearing the song "Good, Good Father" by Chris Tomlin. It's just a reminder that God IS good and He DOES love us. His ways ARE perfect. We might not understand, but He is good no matter what we are going through. The honest truth is if I never receive another blessing, He still deserves all of my worship and praise. He is enough. His love is enough.