Saturday, October 20, 2012

God=Bigger Nothing=Insignifcant

It's been a while and it seems that God continues to remind me of the same things. In the midst of life struggles, my own and my friends, He is greater and bigger, and also that nothing you or me are going through is insignificant, no matter how small.
They are basic principles, but when the floods of life are over your head, it's so very hard to remember. Perhaps that is why God keeps whispering these things to my heart.
For me personally I have just been so overwhelmed with everything lately. Migraines are still an issue which is super annoying, no FRUSTRATING. Then there's work. I don't personally have a problem, because somehow I manage to fly under the radar, but I see how other people are treated and it irks me. People are treated so unfairly and it drives me insane. My dear friend and coworker who I could confide in was blessed with the opportunity to stay home with her children, so now I'm just alone. I do have other friends within the company, but it's nice to vent to someone who actually does the exact same job you do and completely gets it, you know? I'm just so ready for God to open a BIG door that says QUIT and go HERE! LOL...too bad life doesn't work that way! ;0)
It's crazy because in the midst of all this mess the song "Still" by Hillsong came on Pandora and I hadn't heard it in so long, I had completely forgot about it.  "When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm. Father You are King over the flood. I will be still, know You are God." Definitely words I needed to hear and continue to remind myself of. It's like okay, God, you have me here for a reason. I will suck it up, be still, and trust You. One of the scriptures in my devotion this week was this, so very perfect for me. Psalms 27:14 "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say on the Lord!"
In closing, I'll say this, I know my work problem and even my migraines are nothing compared to what some of you are going through. That's the awesome thing though, God is big enough to carry all our needs and burdens. So if you have a need, no matter how big or small, lay it at His feet. Don't carry it alone.
Psalms 138:7 "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;You will stretch Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me."